Day 1 of 10000 Kettlebell swing challenge

@alohaisu Hi! Just started my second cycle for the year. First one was in January/February. I added a drop set of pull-ups in between each swing set as well:
Swings: 10,15,25,50 x5
Pull-ups: 6,5,4,3 x5
This gave me a total of 500 swings and 90 pull ups per day.
This cycle I’m also adding pushups @ 10,8,6,5 x5, for a total of 500 swings, 90 pull-ups, and 145 pushups per workout.
I really dig the challenge, hope you enjoy it!
@suzainmerchant Is the challenge something you do as part of planned training a couple of times a year - and have you found it easier this time around??

I'm curious as I think it's a good idea to try and plan your training (and life but that's another subject) in 3 month increments and have already planned out Q3 / Q4 for 2019.

I've got a list of things I want to achieve in the gym by the end of the year and could see why you might have a quarter when you concentrate on strength, then a quarter on cardio or in my case rowing then kettlebells then spartan training just to keep things fresh.
@alohaisu Well I’m want to do the 10k Swing challenge while I run my strength program (a variation of 531) would it be wise to not do the strength sets of the Challenge?

Oh and I have only a 20gk bell at my gym
@cloudbyday I've put Stronglifts on hold whilst doing challenge - now halfway through and very bored.

20kg is fine just crank them out quicker to get a cardio workout