is there any other 5’2 to 5’4 women that feel best at 140lb to 150lbs or is it just me?

@nancyd Yeah looking back I was at my goal weight and didn't really understand what it meant to 'tone up' as people advised me. Now I am 20lb heavier and do want to lose, but it looks different on me because I have more muscle. It's a head f*ck for me to go on the scale tbh!
@togetherinjesus thank you so much for sharing this and being vulnerable with how hard it is to gain weight. i am right there and admit it is really really hard. thank you so much for the support. how were you able to feel okay eating more and gaining weight? i know I have to eat a lot more to get the protein i need to gain muscle but have just been eating at a deficit for so long it is really hard to shift gears.
@nancyd So I can't say I have been happy about gaining weight tbh! It was a combo of the pandemic and a couple of other things so it feels 'unfair' to me (I appreciate life is unfair). More recently, though, weights classes mean that although the scale hasn't moved, my shape has changed so that's why I feel okay about it. When I was smaller I felt flabby and couldn't diet my way out of that (I was never going to be skinny). I still worry about what I look like so I haven't really reframed that, but I feel a lot better exercising than relying on restricting which has never worked for me long term. Also the exercise just sorts my mental health out a lot so that really helps. Oh and sometimes I look at celebs who have gained but I think look fabulous / even better at a higher weight and remember them (I mean it's basically everyone who is no longer in their twenties!). Good luck!