Women who don’t bloat / gain weight / feel weak before or during their periods…

@freds Mirena IUD so no periods and it’s great.

I honestly don’t remember bloating during my period before the IUD but I was probably more concerned with the heavy bleeding and being doubled over in bed with cramps for 2 days a month.
@freds omg I crave so much carbs before my period that I end up bloating even more. I'm also so tired and my body aches all over I literally would sleep like 2 out of 6 days of my period.
@freds It's just genetics/luck honestly.

My sister got the bad end of the stick. She got bloating, heavy periods, horrific pain. Me? I'll get a few awful periods maybe once a year or less. But usually they're fine, especially if I'm taking birth control.
@freds I used to get debilitating cramps pre-kids. I guess two c sections cured that? I do usually eat a little more during my period and go a little slower, but generally feel pretty stable.
@freds I bloat a bit and gain a few pounds and feel off. I also don’t make major decisions if I can help it because I’m cranky af and take everything too personally.

I don’t feel weak though. I generally workout harder during my period because:

1) being in pain in one area makes me have a higher pain tolerance in other areas. Working out while I’m already in pain makes me forget about my period pain and only feel muscle pain.

2) working out temporarily lightens or stops my flow for a few hours

3) drinking a lot of water and taking supplements helps. I avoid eating junk food if I can help it because it makes my symptoms worse.