Issues at the gym with 2 dudes


New member
I’ve been lifting for the last two months at a local gym. It’s the only gym in our area (within half an hour) that my insurance pays for. I cannot switch gyms and I cannot drive further than where I currently go because I go at night when my kids are asleep (5 & 1). My husband is home with them but I’d like to be close by in case they both wake or an emergency happens.

There are two men (probably 19-23) who work out together every day at the same time as me. They are constantly shouting and groaning (not normal groaning or grunting while lifting, this is like they’re going to war or on something, they are not power lifting or anything that might warrant the noises they make). They fly through “sets” in a super disorganized intense fashion. Moving from one exercise to the next as fast as possible and sprinting between machines. It’s incredibly uncomfortable. They 100% make everyone else do the 🤔🙄👀 what is going on here. Tread on eggshells because they’re incredibly aggressive when they work out. To the point that others leave the gym without finishing their work out.

I’ve had a few instances where they get too close to me (like a foot from me in a way to pressure me off a machine when I literally just got on and have not been lolly gagging) when I’m the only other person in the gym and they have zero self awareness.

Last night they took up the entire freeweight room and mirrored class room. Running frantically between both rooms. I stayed out of their way. I went to the weight room and moved a bench to the far end of a mirrored wall so I could do one armed bent over rows and watch my form. There were four other benches available and about 15 feet of mirror wall left to use. I was taking up maybe 6 feet because my bench was facing the long way. One of them walked right up to me and stood directly in front of me blocking the mirror while I was clearly watching my form. My face was maybe 2 feet from his butt. The second guy grabbed dumbbells and stood directly behind me right by my butt. I immediately stood up and just stood there while they flew threw a million reps in a few minutes before running to their next “station”. I cannot tell if they genuinely don’t have self awareness or if they are purposely pushing my boundaries. There have many multiple situations like this. These two are nothing like the normal polite gym bros that I’ve encountered. I genuinely think they are on something when they come to the gym. I plan to call management tonight but idk what they could possibly do.

Has anyone else experienced this? I plan to chat with a few of the other regular dudes to see if they come regularly enough where I can plan to come at the same time so I’m not alone with these two. They rarely act like
This when other men are in the gym.

Edit 1: I went in this afternoon after confirming the manager was in. I spoke to her about what has been happening and she was appalled. The manager is a young 20 something woman and she completely understood my concerns. I told her I debated not saying anything to management but she said she’s glad because they don’t want anyone feeling uncomfortable. The owner was not in today. Which is fine. She started looking at the cameras right away and told me she would contact them and phrase it in a way that left me anonymous. She said she’s had to do this before. She usually contacts them and says she was doing routine camera review and noticed a pattern of behavior that they will not tolerate at their gym. I hope it works out.

Edit 2: They weren’t at the gym until a few days ago(at any time during the last few weeks). I think they were suspended or talked to. I never asked for a follow up from the manager. The difference in their behavior is very noticeable. One of them still seems to have a chip on his shoulder, his buddy that usually comes (possibly brother or family member) checked his attitude the other night mid-workout. I’m feeling comfortable again and thank everyone here for the support, I was gaslighting myself for the longest time over this situation.
@austinjoel2001 Is this a big box gym chain? Or a local gym? Like others have said, talk to the general manger, and if you’re not satisfied with how they address it call corporate (if it’s a gym chain). Usually the general manager will flag their account, and if they keep getting complaints, then they will eventually have the membership cancelled.
@barcosmo Big box gym chain. I spoke to the manager today and she was wonderful. I feel better. Hopefully this gets resolved and doesn’t require me to contact the owner or corporate
@austinjoel2001 There is no excuse for that. I suggest you speak to the gym owner or manager and have that person speak to these people., The gym likely has cameras so they can review the instance for themselves.
@austinjoel2001 It’s highly possible that they’re doing a Jim Stoppani style of ‘super sets’, meaning you do one exercise immediately and without rest after another. Stoppani is notorious for creating these workouts that aren’t feasible in a commercial gym - I know, I tried and probably looked like these two guys. He pairs deadlifts with sprints on the treadmill or elliptical. As far as the grunting that’s what a lot of ‘serious’ bodybuilders do, men and women. I know it doesn’t fix your issues but just giving you insight into what may be happening that’s more logical than meth or sexual harassment.
@craig_louisville_ky It’s not grunting. It’s legitimate yelling about 90% of the time. I grunt when I lift but this is on another level. The fact that they place themselves in my bubble when the gym is empty leads me to think they’re being gross and immature. Literallt standing a foot from my butt while I’m bent over doing rows. Facing me when an entire gym is open and then they hoot and holler and laugh? It’s not normal. For any program or any sets such as Stoppani sets
@austinjoel2001 I understand your point, and maybe talking to management would be helpful but I literally have had this happen at the gym. A lady was so close she almost got hit with the kettlebell I was using for kB swings. I’m just relating my experience, that they’re likely doing a form of supersets.
@austinjoel2001 Talk to management, it’s important to know when and how though.

Swap out baby duties with your husband for one night. Let him go, and observe your daily experiences. He can file a complaint with day management, as it appears night staff is friendly to these 2 dudes.

The logic of the swap, is that when management presses, he can describe them and their behavior with out mentioning you. This will allow the 2 dudes and night staff to focus on someone other than you regarding the complaint.

You can’t fight someone who doesn’t exist at that time. Also, allows you to follow up with a complaint later if the behavior doesn’t stop. 2 complaints is a problem in the eyes of management.
@l123 My husband doesn’t have a membership. Just me. I’m going to ask one of the other gym goers for second accounts of their actions. I wasn’t able to contact the owner yesterday, hopefully she answers today
@austinjoel2001 I would 100% mention that they are sexually and physically harassing you to management. Use those words and be blunt. Don’t think that they aren’t sexually harassing you - they are. If they are acting aggressive around you/ trying to scare/intimidate you etc and they don’t do this when other men are around - it’s sex harassment. If management doesn’t do anything or take it seriously enough then that’s not a good gym to be a member of, sorry. They can absolutely do something - which is ban these two idiots. The gym should really also have cameras so they should have some record of these two goons.
@austinjoel2001 The gyms a public space for all, respecting someone’s personal space is massive in the gym and it should be a place you feel safe and comfortable to be in, which it is not. It’s an ego move that needs to be left at the door when they walk in. I’ve been to many gyms throughout the years and have had the most trouble with commercial gyms with the ‘tough guy’ approach to everything. It’s really pathetic. If you don’t feel confident confronting them asking them to give you space, report them to the gym manager. The staff are more than likely aware of what they are doing if they are doing this constantly and haven’t nipped it in the bud sooner to stop this behaviour. They need to act now.
@austinjoel2001 I think this is a weird power play for them. They're literally taking over the space. I think they also feel safe in doing this because it's late and they don't think people will say anything to them because they're intimidated and want to avoid conflict. It's also possible that all the space invading is meant to get someone to say something to them so that they can start some kind of gym feud. That may sound insane but some people love nothing else than being hateful towards others.

I think you should report it and emphasize how much it bothers you and other patrons. You should also mention how out of the way they go to invade your space. Two men getting in front and behind me while I'm working out would make me feel disgusted and unsafe especially if they go out of their way to do it.

I think that you should be extra safe when leaving the gym as well because if their behavior is so odd and erratic in a public space then you really have no idea what they're capable of.
@johnpereless Yer prolly right it wouldn't be easy to go to a gym methed up and not wanna redose. Prolly just psychos.

But you never know what's going on in someone else's head. They might both be delusional as fuck and are convinced the girl is crushing on them.
@austinjoel2001 100% tell management, maybe they'll have cameras showing the weird peacockery so they have proof.

I'd also really really lean into the fact these two beef brains are chasing off their other customers, aka losing them money. Hopefully that at least will get them to do something about them.
@austinjoel2001 Def tell management. Other than that you kind of have to just completely tune people out and just work out with whatever is available. I live in nyc and the gym is crowded and I just tune everyone out and work on whatever is available and make the most of my workout and get out. Also maybe have your husband come to the gym with you some time perhaps if you can get a babysitter
@carlvo It’s not a matter of tuning them out. It’s a matter of them going out of their way to get in my personal bubble when the gym is empty. I’m talking less than 1-2 feet from my body.