Judge this full body physician routine


New member
Hey y'all, I am a physician working 80-100 hours a week and an intermediate lifter. I have to change up my program from Wendler 531 to something quicker and simpler. I never know which day I will have the time to lift, so I need to stick to something full body and ideally hit everything 2-3+x per week. Judge this A/B split I put together.


Squat 3x3, 2x5

Push press 3x3, 2x5

Weighted chin ups 3x3, 2x5

Machine chest press 3x8, 2x12

Seated DB bicep curls 3x8, 2x12

Tricep cable overhead extensions 3x8, 2x12


Deadlift 3x3, 2x5

DB incline press 3x3, 2x5

Cable lateral raises 3x8, 2x12

Cable rows 3x8, 2x12

EZ bar skull crushers 3x8, 2x12

DB preacher curls 3x8, 2x12