Just for fun: what’s everyone’s favorite fitness/health “fact” that’s been debunked?

@dawn16 Mmmm I am not so sure about this one. It does in a sense. No vaccine ever gives 100% protection but it can offer protection from serious symptoms and make it less likely you’ll spread it or get it.

Let’s keep this fitness and health focused and not start a whole debate over vaccines. You can believe what you want but vaccines have been helping fight diseases for generations making it possible to almost completely eradicate some serious diseases
@dawn16 And you know exactly what you are trying to do here by starting an argument.

Again, you being obtuse in a Reddit about fitness and posting about vaccines is you just pushing buttons.

Something tells me you aren’t even someone who has a reason to be in this Reddit which focuses on petite fitness and helping those who are petite get healthier.

You saw an opportunity to get a rise out of people and are trying to take it.

Again believe what you want but overwhelmingly vaccines have proven to be safe and effective in controlling the spread of diseases and illnesses.

Cherry pick what ever info you want to try and make your point but unless you have spent decades learning about vaccines, study/make vaccines or are some type of medical professional with the knowledge to truly back up and understand your claims you don’t really have any kind of valid opinion on the matter.

Unless you are human who is under 5’4 and is looking for fitness or healthy habit tips please leave this reddit alone and allow it to continue to be a safe and positive space for all
@dawn16 This forum really has nothing to do with weight. It’s about petite (people who are under 5’4) who are looking for a a safe and fun place to get healthier, get fitness tips etc. If that’s you and you are going to be a valuable participant in conversations than welcome and I hope you learn a lot.

Based on your comment history and username though that’s not you. You seem to be someone who likes to try and get a rise out of people, and be unnecessarily rude/aggressive in your responses to people. Based on your comment history you’ve been banned from certain forums for your responses/agenda/attitude.

You have every right to post on a public forum but if you aren’t going to be a positive voice and if you aren’t actually looking to get value out of this forum then leave.

This forum is suppose to be a place for us to discuss fitness topics openly in an environment without an agenda which you clearly have. I’m sure there are forums on here focused on these topics you wish to discuss where you will find like minded people.
@notaperfectchristian If you look at the username, can pretty much guess this is their fave topic.

Your question was crystal clear.

My fave debunked theory is that carbs are bad for you and a low/no carb diet was the way to go for any kind of weight loss
@amiel164 Yup I agree. They need to step off and get out of here lol.

That’s such a good one! Your body needs carbs and they are fabulously tasty as long as you balance them with other food groups EAT THE PASTA, BREAD AND MORE
@dawn16 Please take your weird agenda to somewhere it’s relevant and leave all of us to focus on what this forum is really about. You’ve never provided anything of value to this forum and don’t seem interested in adding value to the topic of petite fitness.

If you continue to push an agenda and attempt to get a rise out of people on something that has nothing to do with the topic at hand you will be reported to mods because I take the environment in this forum seriously.
@notaperfectchristian My two favorites are that you can’t have more than 25 grams of protein per meal and utilize it and that potatoes are bad carbs while rice is better. Give me them potatoes and I’ll eat 40 grams of protein and go ahead and feel full instead thanks!
@notaperfectchristian Wait can you explain why corn syrup was debunked? As a sugar it is bad for you. All sugars even the fake ones are bad. Enjoy them moderately, but ya. Sugar unless it’s from a whole complete food item like a fruit or sugar cane (not processed) is bad for you. We have tons of studies on how these affect your brain. Corn syrup is there too?
@chris151 Because sugar is sugar whether it comes from fruit, sugar cane or is made into a syrup. Corn syrup is just a type of sugar. There is nothing better about “natural sugar” for you. What makes fruit and things not as bad for you isn’t because it’s natural sugar it’s because it contains other nutrients. Your body needs the fiber and other things that come with eating fruit but the sugar is going to be treated like any type of sugar whether syrup, added or natural. Having corn syrup in moderation with a healthy diet really isn’t different than consuming fruit or other types of foods with sugar in them. It’s all about balance. The idea that one type of sugar specifically is better or worse for you has long been debunked. It’s all sugar. We just don’t consume enough fruit or sugar cane for it to be a problem.

You know the cokes made with sugar cane? They are just as “bad” for you as the one made with corn syrup. They both contain way to much sugar but if you have one on occasion your body isn’t going to treat those two any different.

Your body doesn’t do anything different when it breaks down different types of sugar. You can consume too much sugar from fruit or anything. Corn Syrup and sugar are even very close in their molecular structure and your body doesn’t treat them differently. The reason people don’t advertise sugar from fruit as bad for you is because things like fiber help balance the spikes to your blood sugar, and very few people eat enough of something like an apple to reach the same amount of sugar as say a soda with corn syrup. It would take like 3-4 apples in a sitting. However, if you did, that sugar would process the same way as all the corn syrup that is supposedly bad for you.

Everything is needed in moderation including fruits with high sugar content like mangoes, oranges and pears. The truth is you can’t eat an unlimited about of fruit without paying attention to the amount of sugar!

The myth in the 90-2000’s was that corn syrup was somehow worse for you than sugar and should be avoided when the truth is as long as you don’t over do it, and your diet is balanced there is no reason to avoid it in moderation. This is why no one who says they don’t eat sugar is telling the truth. They can say they avoid added sugar but it’s not eating no sugar its moderating your sugar intake.
@chris151 lol yes! I don’t know if you remember but there were these tv ads back then about corn syrup that literally were fear mongering about how corn syrup was so much worse than sugar and it was going to be so bad for you blah blah. And it’s like, sure if that’s all you eat it might but it’s just sugar like anything