Let's have a conversation about squatting, and ignorance

@melissatranter89 That doesn't matter though. The assumption that certain "forces" on the knee are inherently bad is a faulty one.

Our bodies adapt to loading and placing stress on it is the whole point of training.
@sweetpants I have always wondered about this. People claim it applies extra forces to the knee - but if you start with a manageable weight and progress properly will the knee not adapt and strengthen? Seems a bit like people just extrapolated to that being bad.
@dawn16 You benefit more from the "hamstring stretch response" the deeper you go...

You will thus get a little more rebound at the bottom to help you out the hole.
@judee I've always used my arms to brace my legs on the leg press. It's basically a self spot which I need because I have periodic back issues that come on out of the blue
@judee I appreciate this post. Everyone has different circumstances, backgrounds, body types, etc. But we should all have the same goal which is to improve ourselves and others through fitness. Although the negativity is surprising, it won’t get me down. I’m absolutely confident in my accomplishments.
@flipflops82 I think what really frustrated me was the audacity of it all. People who have no idea what they're talking about and going all in on trash talking. I think it's become a real huge pet peeve of mine because we live in an age of free access to information and people actively choosing to not learn in favor of their own wanton ignorance.
@flipflops82 OP I personally thought you were leaning over too much at one point in the motion and possibly setting yourself up for back injury. But with the inappropriate pile-on about your arms, I stayed out of it. Keep it up but be careful with bending over, you could really mess up your lower back.
OP I personally thought you were leaning over too much at one point in the motion and possibly setting yourself up for back injury

GTFO with this dumb ass fucking bullshit. There was literally nothing close to extreme with the back angles in the video in question; and even there was, so fucking what?

Dude could have been doing good mornings with the bar and it still wouldn't have been suggestive of a load his lower back wasn't adapted to handle.
@mybrainsick This guy wasn't being a shit. He was genuinely trying to be helpful. If you think he's wrong, explain why. Wrong but coming from a good place means that person can be taught to know better, so let's be better.
@judee I did explain exactly why.

There was literally nothing close to extreme with the back angles in the video in question; and even there was, so fucking what?

Dude could have been doing good mornings with the bar and it still wouldn't have been suggestive of a load his lower back wasn't adapted to handle.

Edit: It literally doesn't matter if someone is trying to be helpful.

Telling people they're courting injury with no real understanding of what leads to injury is bullshit of the highest fucking order.

The only thing someone will accomplish with this crap is potentially noceboing people and spreading fear about shit that isn't worth thinking about.
@mybrainsick Yeah, "concern-trolling" typically does more harm than good.

It wrongly plants a seed of doubt which fucks with confidence.

Especially when there's no legitimate risk! It causes paranoia.
@judee It’s kind of the point of the post.

Someone who has no idea what they’re talking about is telling someone else how to exercise based on their ideas of what matters.
@max81 Hard to tell from the angle, but I really felt no strain on my back. I do good mornings, deadlifts, and lots of KB swings to protect my back. I am really very careful with my back since I’ve had some tweaks in the past.
@judee How do we feel about box squats? I just tried them for the first time a few days ago and for whatever reason they were a game changer for me. Never felt more "comfortable" doing squats before. Am I missing something by continuing to do them?