Lily Myers "Shrinking Women"

I regularly have people ask why they can't speak to the person handling the deal and not their secretary.

Ugh. Anytime I hear or read shit like this lately all I can think is, "And we wonder how we ended up with the current US president..."
@sabrina_ Wow, this was really powerful. Thank you for sharing.

My husband once asked me what I envy most about men. My response was 'The ability to take up space.' He didn't quite understand, but I think I've managed to explain it to him. It's the sort of thing that women understand immediately, but men completely fail to.

Sometimes I wonder if I started lifting because it is an acceptable way to take up space.
@mippop This is I think the biggest issue I have. I am a fairly confident woman and on the harsher side-but at work I am perceived as a 'bitch' if I'm not the most docile, sweet girl I can be.
@mippop Had this happen recently walking down the sidewalk. A group of guys is walking three wide down a sidewalk that can barely accommodate that without anyone coming in the opposite direction, which I am. So I hold my space and refuse to basically dive off the sidewalk out of the way of the one in my path. He stares me down with this smirk the entire walk towards me like we're playing chicken and when I still don't move slightly moves over so that we still brush arms as he passes. Because just getting the fuck out of my way was too much trouble.
@mippop This happens to me when I'm walking downtown. I used to flatten myself against a wall when a group of 4 people would walk down the sidewalk next to each other. Now I keep walking, and if they refuse to queue up they're gonna get shoulder bumped.
@mariantonietta Agh apparently this really grinds my gears, also if I'm running and guys are taking up space in front of me. Normal trail etiquette is an "on your left" and folks move over. Some guys will only leave like eight inches to their left. Those guys get shoulder checked. I learned at least one useful skill in my short lived roller derby career.
@mariantonietta I'll stop and stand in place and let them walk into me. "This is my half of the sidewalk. I am entitled to be here. I'm not moving for you. You're welcome to be an ass and walk directly into me or be polite and move to your half of the sidewalk. Your choice."

I've had men glare at me for it, or walk into me and look sincerely confused. I don't apologize or say excuse me. If it's particularly egregious I'll oh so politely "please watch where you're going."
@iwish I feel like resting bitch face helps in this kind of situation. I'm pretty good at making my own space on a sidewalk when confronted with an oncoming spread, but then again I'm also using some 'fuck off' body language.
@mippop Truth!

I haven't encountered issues in the gym - they are mostly v. polite and will get out of the way for me.

Outside of the gym, I've gotten better at just charging forward.