Limited workout equipment


New member
I’ve been working out for about a year, the last 6 months have been a lot more focused. As I’ve got 2 kids and another one the way with whom I want to spend as much time with as I can, I don’t want to go spend 2 hours at the gym a day. At home I’ve got 2 dumbbells (adjustable up to 50lbs) an adjustable bench, and a bench press (only have the concrete weights up to 100lbs) I’ve just about reached the limitations of my equipment and want to keep going, so I’ve increased repetitions. My question is, with increased reps of the same weight can I still grow muscle mass? I’ve always heard high reps low weight to tone, high weight low reps to grow. I’ve realized recently that most of what I’ve ‘heard’ about weight lifting has been absolutely wrong.
@robotclock You can make the exercise harder while keeping same weight, try pausing at the bottom of the lift for 2-3 seconds each rep.

Yes you can still grow to a point but you might need to add weight eventually.

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