Looking for advice on P/P/L/U/L Routine


New member
Looking for some advice, criticism, or approval on this routine. I was trying to put together one as I couldn’t find one that fit what I was looking for. Basically used to do a lot of bodyweight exercises at home, and now want to go to the gym for a change and also would like to build legs because it was hard to do so at home.


Here’s what I was looking to get out of this routine:
  • To progress the 3 main lifts so needed a day with deadlifts, bench, and squats.
  • Didn’t want to do deadlifts on leg day as I wanted to have a quad focused, and hamstring focused day… and I believe squats and RDL’s will do that better, while leaving Deadlift to my pull or upper day.
  • Wanted to have minimum of 2 legs days for the week, but a 5 day routine. (I wanted 2 rest days). This made me settle on a P/P/L/U/L split.
  • To continue to progress weighted pull-ups and dips, or at least keep them involved somewhere as I do enjoy these exercises.
I’m unsure in particular of the cells with red text. Do I keep chest flys in upper? Do I do it on push and upper day? Do I keep it in upper and do some form of machine press on the push day? Or drop it everywhere

The cells with red highlights (tibialis raise, Seated G'morning, and hip flexor lift), are things I am considering adding on to variable days every now and then to benefit my posterior chain etc. Not looking for too much advice on these, you can focus on the cells highlighted in green.

Also, any suggestions on Bicep/Tricep Iso exercises are welcomed

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