I’m an 18 f |5’5”| 195 who is starting collegiate softball in the fall. I’ve done CrossFit and worked out in the gym but usually it’s pretty random in what I’m doing. I want to start working out with more specific intention for best results. This is what I did today to target arms/back, looking for feedback. I’m on a slight caloric deficit and play 4-8 softball games on the weekends (I pitch). Biking is added as some cardio but I also do 3 mile walks outside in the evenings.

06/28/23 (in lbs)

1 mile bike / stretches
Bicep curl 20,30,40,50 for 8 each
1 mile bike (was waiting for space to open)
Dumbbell hammer curl 15,15 for 8 , 20 for 6
Single arm dumbbell row 20,20,25,25 for 8
500 meters rowing (wide grip)
Tricep extensions (machine) 40, 50,50 for 8
Lat pull down 35, 35, 45 for 6

Start: 12:55 pm
fin: 2:00 pm
@romans10910_1999 Hi there and congrats on your progress so far! Overall, your workout appears to be well-rounded, targeting your arms and back effectively. It's great that you incorporated both strength training and cardio exercises. Remember to focus on maintaining proper form, gradually increasing the weight or reps as you progress, and listening to your body to avoid overtraining or injury.

To enhance your workout routine, consider incorporating exercises that target other muscle groups like your legs, core, and shoulders to achieve overall strength and balance. Additionally, a well-rounded program should include rest days to allow your body to recover and adapt to the training stimulus.

Best of luck on your journey!

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