Looking for pointers to make sure I’m doing y fitness routine right


New member
I’m another lowkey beginner who decided to get into shape during the lockdown. I’m a 22 yo, 6’2”. I was 63 kgs (139 lbs) prior to starting, terrible diet, and I have a pretty high metabolism. Over 3 months, I’ve somehow come up to 70 kgs (154 lbs) by just eating a ton and working out as often as possible.
I’ve been using this and stick to it pretty regularly. On the gap days, I stick to my pushups and certain other band exercises. I can do 2 free pull-ups and then my shoulders kinda give way lol. But that’s a pretty decent upgrade from zero I think
I recently invested in a 6 kg kettlebell, following mostly YouTube advice (looking at you Pavel Tsatsouline).

My only problem is that I take a LOT of time to put on any weight, and by it any chance I miss a couple of days, it seems like I lose muscle mass immediately. It’s a lot of effort and I want to know what I can do to mitigate. Gonna start incorporating this kb workout into my weekly routines, about twice a week

I’m looking for pointers as to what I’m doing right or wrong. Any help appreciated!
@belle89 Na, it doesn't go away, you see yourself like that (is a mental thing) and also you lose the pump, don't worry, you won't loose any muscle mass by missing a day or even a week, you should see changes in your body form, and how clothes look.
On the other hand you should be progressing in your workouts, getting stronger, with better technique, and doing things easier, etc.
Feeling good and energized also is a good thing. Keep in mind that there is nothing wrong with feeling down one that, I maybe you need to rest, and as long as it is not a habit. You will see the difference between those two in some time
@belle89 You’ve put 15lbs on in 3 months. That is a lot of weight to put on in 3 months. So putting on weight is NOT a problem for you. I’d personally cut your calories back slightly as putting weight on that quickly, the majority of it is going to be fat. I’d say your currently eating a surplus of around 700 calories a day by that weight gain. As already said you won’t lose muscle that quickly. Missing the odd workout here and there is fine and helps with recovery. Just make sure it is only an odd workout and you’ll be fine.
@belle89 If you’re looking to gain take mass gainer protein.

If you lose weight quick..sodium, lack of sleep, stress can move weight quick. So 15 lbs can move fast if you adjust properly.
If you’re just starting to get into weights..man over the last 4 years this is a marathon and not a race. Heavy weights don’t matter. Focus on the mind to muscle connection, and do weights that you can do 12-15 reps x 4 sets. It’s what I’ve always worked with..if after 15 reps it’s still easy, up the weight by 5-10lbs.

Keep your diet relatively balanced..80% healthy is a good mark to go for.

Over the years, if you’re working out constantly, eat your vegetables. Micro nutrients are huge for recovery and huge for your immune system.
Sleep is 50% of the growing process..eat well, stay hydrated, and get good rest.
Keep your diets with good amounts of protein. Protein is known to help your immune system, helps you retain muscle.

Rinse, repeat.. don’t forget to take rest days too. Active rest days are a thing..go for a walk, go for a swim, enjoy the time away from the gym. Gym will always be there.
@stublackwell Thanks!
Quarantine lockdown has convinced me that I shan’t step into a gym, I’ve achieved more with a yoga mat and bunch of resistance bands than my previous attempts at gym memberships