Losing fat but gaining weight


New member
Hello! I am an aspiring athlete (char) with a great discipline in working out, but this year, I finally found a diet for me. I am still worrysome and I still got to make adjustments but here are what I observed:

I have been on caloric deficit since 2018. I had a month wherein I will solely eat 200 kcal per day and surplus on one of the days in a week. This worked but my body did not look lean or great at all, plus my body was actually wanting more calories from me. Then came 2021 when I had a job, my body was still adjusting to the time. I was still following my fast periods, and realized it's time to change - because after all, it wasnt working and i'm hangry all the time. (2019-2021 days wasnt 200kcal per day! 1,200)

What I did was I created a plan wherein my intake would compensate the activity I'm doing. Luckily, my muslces generously popped out regardless of lack of steroids and hormones (LOL)

Morning: 5-6Am, HIIT 15 mins
Evening: 7-8PM weights(upper/lower/back/abs)

I eated when my body wanted, but my schedule of my workout remained the same. Morning is 15 min HIIT cardio and evening workout is weight lifting. (ITS ADDICTING LMAO) But I'm kinda worried I might be super bulk, I wanted to stay lean or cut; I believe my intake doesnt exceed 2k but everyone's saying I dont look like a skeleton anymore and I've gained healthy weight. Kinda triggered but heres my vital for your reference

F (ht)5'2 (wt)48kg / 105.8 lbs (ab circ) 28 in (bfp) 13% 18.9(bmi)

and for women/men out there who wanted to lean and cut at home, you can search for fraiser wilson! you can gain muscles with body weight :)