
New member
Hello everyone! I just started working out and want to know more I feel like I am kind of not doing enough in the gym I started 1/11/24 still keeping at my normal routine which isn’t much but wanted some tips

So first off I’m 23y/o male 5’7” 315lbs last I checked before 1/11/24 trying to stay away from the scale because I know you will gain weight do to muscle off the first time going to the gym.

Right now I do 15 minute walk on treadmill. I adjust my own incline throughout the workout between 2-3.5 I usually go about 2.8 speed. I’m not trying to push myself to much yet I still want to make it habit to go to the gym but I feel like I can do more at the gym.

Mondays - I do arms and shoulders + treadmill

Wednesdays - I do core and back + treadmill

Fridays - legs + treadmill

My goal is to hit around 200lbs if possible my eventual goal is to get abs not anytime soon but once I make it a routine and get healthy and fit I’d like to say I had some.

So my new goal is I wanna go to the gym 5 times a week instead of 3 I want to work on every muscle of the body just go light is what I’ve heard about that. I am currently in process of buying my own house so I would like to make my own game room/ workout room. I wanna be able to know what to do at the gym for these five days I do not know much about exercises so I’m hoping someone can link a video of what to do everyday and how to possibly do it.

I have also been doing calorie counts and been eating less and only drinking water I feel very proud of myself for that and that I have actually been keeping myself around the 1,600-2,000 calorie limit I’m going to start shooting for 1,500-1,700 calorie limit hopefully by this next month or so maybe sooner
@kingskid001 Maybe you aren’t doing enough, you’ll know with time.

How are you counting calories with a scale or with service size?

Are you eating enough protein?

Is your current workout plan been a tried and true regimen? If no why are you doing it?
@kamienzen So I am pretty overweight so I was just doing regiment that was just going to ease me into it. I didn’t want to over exert myself or hurt my body in anyway.

As for the calories I use an app called MyFitnessPal. I just type what I eat into it and tells me how many calories it eat. I don’t pay the subscription so it doesn’t tell me how much protein or sugar or anything I eat has. But I do eat a lot of protein I eat meat quite a bit whether it be steak, fish, chicken, anything you can think of.

As for regimen I don’t know I just look at basic things. Some of the machines at planet fitness show some pictures of what muscles you are working out and just try to alternate but I have no real idea on what to really do
@kingskid001 How do you measure your serving sizes? Are you using the serving size on the label or are you using a food scale to measure the food?

As for your workout plan it’s not gunna give you much bang for your buck.

You should look into an actual program to follow that can fix and make changes as you go.

However simple routines as a beginner is your best bet.

A 5 set per every other day would probably be ideal.

Starting with strong lifts or even starting strength.
@kamienzen I do not measure my meals. I just grab a plate and try to use only about half or a little more than half of it.

Yeah I was thinking about looking it up and was hoping to get some recommendations on who a good trainer would be online. Hopefully free.

As for lifting I do not want to bulk I already have a very bulky set to my body I just want to tone so I was thinking of going smaller weight more reps as I have heard that the way to get toned instead of bulk
@kingskid001 Not weighting or measuring your food does not give you an accurate read on how much you are eating id suggest at bare minimum go by serving size and using measuring cups for most of your food and for meats about little less than your fist.