[PROGRESS] I was told I should x-post this here from /r/progresspics. 7 months of dirty bulking

@zeromega How has such a strict cut affected your lift #s? I've been waffling about cutting vs recomping away the 7-10 lbs I want to drop, cutting sure seems a lot faster, but I'm so competitive with myself, I don't know if I have the determination to keep going if my lifts decline substantially (stall is fine).
@erickem My rule is to never take weight off the bar. Part of the reason I've been playing around with my reps/sets is because I lift my max at least once every couple weeks for my bench, squat, and dead lift. It's fine to decrease volume but you never want to lose strength. So many people see losing strength as a natural part of cutting but it can definitely be avoided. However, more than likely your lifts will stall. But think about it this way, keeping lifts constant and weight down still boosts your Wilks score.
@zeromega Not sure if you replied elsewhere, but you'd mentioned you were vegetarian. What are your macro goals within 1200 cals and how do you manage to consume sufficient protein?

With 1600 cals to play with, I don't have many issues hitting ~140g, although I do eat fish (rarely). However, lowering to 1200-1400 definitely increases the challenge so I'll take any advice I can get!
@erickem I made some good recipes that are egg white based. I posted a few to /r/fitmeals like a coconut cake recipe and chocolate or maple cinnamon crepes. Pizza is also good. I just put a little sauce on a low carb pita (which is already 40% calories from protein anyway) and load it up with reduced fat cheese so the calories/protein ratio is better. Plus, all of these things are delish.

Normally I try to aim for 40-30-30 but sometimes I get lazy about it. I've still seen progress even when I'm sloppy with my macros. On a crappy food day, as long as I get a bare minimum of 45g protein and 30g fat I don't stress too much if the rest of my calories are from carbs. I usually lift better the next day anyway after a carb load.
@zeromega Thanks for the tips, it's always reassuring to see someone with good progress who isn't super strict about ultra high protein. I saw an improvement in performance increasing from ~80 to ~130/day so I have been trying to stick with it, but it's so incredibly boring and I am not that fond of eating tons of refined foods.

Speaking of refined foods, if you've never tried it, I recently found vegan dream jerky and it is fucking delicious stuff. 80 cal, 13g protein, 7g carbs. Awesome snack.
@zeromega Damn girl, this is amazing. How much have your lifts improved through all of this? This really helps dispel some of the anxiety I have about a bulk rather than a recomp, thanks!
@iwish Thanks. I don't remember my exact lifts at the time but I had started lifting about 4 months before my first pic so I'll just post my starting and current numbers.

Before lifts

Bench: 55lbs

Squat: 95lbs

Dead lift: 135lbs

Current lifts

Bench: 105lbs

Squat: 215lbs

Dead lift: 205lbs (shitty grip strength so squat > DL)

Bulking is much better than a recomp. If you've just started lifting you should use up your newbie gains before bulking, but past that it takes much less time to bulk and cut than it does to recomp. Plus, bulking just feels good. You see the scale go up, your measurements go up, your lifts go up, and you just feel like a champ.
@zeromega Your arms are awesome. One day, when I live in 1 city and not 2, I will start working on my arms.

Normally progress pics are not inspiring to me, but for some reason this makes me feel like working out and getting shit done.

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