M18 beginner workout


New member
M18, missed out on gym when everyone else my age started going but better late to the game than never ig. I'm looking to train full body 3 times a week, frequently training each muscle group to build a basic foundation of strength that I can work on in the future as an intermediate to get a Greek god lookin physique. Here's what I'm thinking:

Workout A
  • PUSH Bench press 4 sets 6-8
  • LEGS Squat 4 sets 6-8
  • PUSH Shoulder press 4 sets 6-8
  • PULL Barbell row 3 sets 6-8
  • ISOLATION Bicep curls 3 sets 12-15
Workout B
  • PULL Pull ups (1.5x shoulder width) 4 sets 6-8
  • LEGS Squat 4 sets 6-8
  • PULL (+LEGS) Deadlift 4 sets 6-8
  • PUSH Bench press 3 sets 6-8
  • ISOLATION Seated tricep dips 3 sets 12-15
A is more push focussed while B is more pull focussed, with legs in both. Monday, Wednesday, Friday alternating between A and B, adding weight each workout. Thoughts? Any comments appreciated :)
@greatbuss I have two main, though ultimately minor, issues with this program. I'll start with doing deadlifts right after squats: people will recommend not to do them on the same day, but you certainly can. Just be aware that both are tough on the body because they are very taxing compound movements, so fatiguing in one necessarily means you will perform poorly on the other. If you really want them in the same workout, I would put at least one other exercise between them, preferably the bench press as that gives the muscles worked a bit of a break. Others have suggested just doing deadlifts one day and squats the other, which I think is also a fine alternative, but I understand why you programmed them both on the same day.

My second concern is actually the more important one, and that's that, as a beginner, you probably should not be focusing on strength rep ranges just yet: you'd be building a house on no foundation, which means you're asking for trouble down the line. My personal recommendation would be to focus more on higher reps with lower weights for at least a month or two, to assure that you know and can perform these lifts properly: otherwise, you're asking for an injury.

Otherwise, this isn't a bad program to get you started, by any means. Good luck!
@greatbuss You're gonna be pretty tired at the end of these. I'd suggest 2 sets of the isolation exercises.

I think bench, deadlift, pullups, squats is a better order. Deadlifts and squats on the same day is tough.

Add in planks, bird dogs, banded side plank clamshells, or ab rollouts for core strength and you'll have a well-balanced program.

Have fun!
@greatbuss If you’ve never been to the gym before I would for your first 3-4 weeks just focus on push-ups, pull ups, body weight squats, and very simple weightlifting
@hulk1234 Why? And what's 'very simple weightlifting?'

Edit: Just gonna block me instead of answering my question? Must not have been too confident with your recommendation.