Manipulating extracellular water retention


New member
As you likely know, during a peak week the name of the game is maximizing intracellular water retention and eliminating extracellular water retention. While I’m in no way shape or form looking to take to the stage soon (still at 12-15% bf), my question is, is there a way to manipulate this all cut long safely?

I’m not looking to look full as I know I need to replace glycogen and carb heavily to obtain that. I stay hydrated (1-1.5 gal a day), do semi heavy sodium (4-5,000 mg a day) and my potassium stays around 3,000mg a day. I know I’m depleted on my glycogen as I’m at 200g of carbs a day and training heavily. Is the name of the game just to make sure I’m eating enough post workout carbs to pull water into the muscles and out of the sub q with the little glycogen I’m replacing and staying hydrated?

While I know I’ll never be peeled at 12%+ bf, I would kill to have that dry look most days. You know the one where all the stars align and you wake up thin skinned and vascular? I’d like to try to eliminate any bloat and walk around like that 90% of the time. Is this even possible?
@matt5963 The kidneys and the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) exert tight controls over fluid/electrolyte balance and blood volume.

While it would be great to be able to minimize subQ water long term, it just isn’t practical outside of peak week because of the tight parameters for quantity and timing of water, sodium, carbs, and even fats that you need to get that properly peaked look.

Honestly the best you can do sustainably is keep water and sodium high so you’re constantly flushing.
@matt5963 Your body water is under very tight regulation by various hormones. AFAIK most people don't recommend sodium manipulation for natural bodybuilders (happy to be corrected here) and the peak week tends to just be replenishing glycogen which pulls water in with it. So I don't think you're going to have much success manipulating icw/ecw ratios, especially if you're talking long term. Also, would you even notice a difference in being thin skinned at 15% body fat? This all seems like stuff you just shouldn't be messing with or worrying about.
@sjw I don’t want to necessarily manipulate minerals as I know that will have a rebound effect. Just didn’t know if there is a method or tips for staying drier during a cut. Some people do it automatically seemingly and just have a drier look.

IMO I notice a huge difference in drying out at the body fat I am now. Some days when I wake up dry, I look easily 2-3% lower in bf. Veins pop, can barely pinch where I usually can, etc. it’d be nice to learn how to SAFELY stay semi dry during a cut to avoid any and all bloat.

Edit: also from my understanding glycogen restoring and pulling water into the muscles has by far the biggest impact on ICW/ECW ratios. Mineral manipulation has its place, but not nearly as much as properly loading water and carbs. Please correct me if I misunderstand.
@matt5963 Yes I do think it has the biggest impact on the ratio, but almost all of the effect is icw increasing, not ecw decreasing. I don't think there's a safe way to do that let alone long term. As for your day to day variation, I'm not sure, but veins popping, no bloating, and looking 'dry' are 3 separate processes in my mind. Affected by hydration, food intake and leanness respectively.