@dawn16 I don't think there's like a tutorial out there, you just learn about nutrition and apply it. The easiest way you can start with it is focusing on the simple 3 part dishes: meat with a side of veggies and a side of carbs. So using the meat as an example, instead of making a lot of a single piece of meat you cook a little of everything, chicken, beef, pork and fish. Then you say well, if you have 2 meals per day that you're going to prep like that, then you need 14 sides of meat, so you prep ~4 sides of each. Then you rotate: day 1 meal 1 has beef, meal 2 has fish, day 2 meal 1 has pork, meal 2 has chicken, and so on. You do the same with the veggies and the carbs. So you prep all one day, for me it's Sunday, and store each group separately. Then when you have to eat, you choose a side of each group, put it in a plate, and to the microwave. It doesn't even have to be a perfect rotation, you eat what you feel like eating but ensuring a variation trend.