Meal prepping and bodybuilding

@joshua11212 "Shredded Chicken is the canvas on which all of my meals are painted" - paraphrased from Eric Trexler. I do tons of shredded chicken meals - mexican-inspired ones, italitan-inspired, asian-inspired.

I try to hit 30g protein @ each meal.

Normal day is:
  1. 5:45am workout.
    1. Pre: 10P of whey + banana.
    2. Intra: shake (dextrose/whey).
    3. Post: cream of rice, blueberries, egg whites.
  2. Greek Yogurt, Beef Jerky, Kind Bar
  3. Shredded Chicken (5oz), Rice (100g), Kung Pao sauce or another shredded chicken meal
  4. Shredded Chicken (3oz), 1oz Almonds
  5. Dinner with chicken, beef, or fish. With starch and veggie.
  6. Hit remaining macros including a casein shake.
@joshua11212 Mine is

Meal 1: 8 oz chicken tenderloin. 150 grams mushrooms, 224 grams of mixed vegetables

Meal 2: 8 oz ground turkey, 3 eggs, sweet potatoe / potato, hot sauce

Meal 3: oats, whey, peanut butter, chia seeds, cottage cheese, berries, stevia, almond milk.
@godrocks25 It took a couple years. I used to have to choke my food down with water like pills. After a while, I got more used to it and, more importantly, I got better at cooking. My body has gotten so hooked on the feeling of having these things in my body that it outweighs my desire for other foods.

Every six months or so I'll find a new recipe and try to incorporate it into my diet, with mixed results.
@godrocks25 Sometimes I get tired of eating the same thing every day. Then I look in the mirror and see how I look. I much prefer having a six pack and a boring lunch, to when I had a delicious lunch and a spare tire.
@joshua11212 Weight loss plan for me currently 218 from 282 lbs (6'3) 8 months cut. I do all macro calculation by weighting every portion I prep. I also use fasting which is why I eat in 8 hours window 3 times. I always eat around 1500-1800 kcal per day and track it on some app.

Meal 1: Any kind of meat (prefer chicken) with frozen vegetable mix and different sauces/spice/marinates each time.

Meal 2: 2x portion protein shake ( at least 40g protein) different flavor each day.

Meal 3: Fish focus (can be canned or whatever) with steamed vegetable/rice.

If I feel like lacking energy during training I will add buckwheat/oats preferably on 1st meal and If I run out of food I boil 3 eggs with some rye bread. I really like putting peanut butter into my oats before hardcore leg day.

Some things I could suggest adding to your diet:
buckwheat, natural peanut butter, different fishes like mackerel/herring/sardines and some exotics like chicken hearts or pork liver.
@joshua11212 This is my usual Monday-Friday diet. It's easy to stick to because this is all mostly eaten at work:
  • Meal 1 - 80g(if bulking)/40g(if cutting) oats, 150g egg white/2 whole eggs scramble, coffee
  • Meal 2 - lunch, which is usually some kind of meal prep with 300g brown rice, veggies, and 8oz of some kind of ground turkey or chicken breast or ground beef, and a protein shake
  • Meal 3 - Protein bar, my go to is any of the ONE bar or lately, the Gatorade whey protein bar in chocolate caramel
  • Meal 4 - beetroot powder and some kind of fruit. This meal is right before I leave for work, kind of like a preworkout meal
  • Meal 5 - 2 scoop post workout shake
  • Meal 6 - Dinner, which is usually any leftover mealprep we made, or we'll grab chipotle or wherever we go, I get some kind of chicken and rice
Weekends are a toss in the air. I try to keep breakfast the same, but lunch and dinner I tread carefully around.
@niecey85 What's wrong with eating the same thing everyday?

His diet seems to be well balanced (plenty of veggies)and he mentioned how his cooking has improved and he switches it up on weekends.
@anglican1972 Yeah, the dieticians and phd's in nutrition are always saying have as little variation as possible, don't use a lot of different food sources and groups, certainly don't rotate what you eat. I'm just a contrarian, don't listen to me.
@joshua11212 It doesn't really have to be a binary decision. Something you can work with is instead of thinking of making full meals, focus on making different parts that can later be combined into different meals.
@niecey85 I like that idea. I've been doing that more with meal 4--the one I have at home after work. The other 3 have less flexibility due to how busy I am all day. Great food for thought, man