Meat-eater shifting from 3 meat meals/day to 1 meat meal/day and regular fitness training would like some advice!


New member
I finished watching Gamechangers on Netflix and did some research afterwards which has inspired me to be more cautious about how much meat (both white and red) I eat due to its health impacts.

To put a bit of context, I generally eat four meals a day, supplemented with protein and Multis. For the last 4-5 years I train regularly @ the gym and have gone through my notions of bulking, cutting down, maintaining, etc - all the whilst having my meals heavily consisting of meat.

What’s changed recently:
- I am moving from 5-6 regular gym days to 2-3 but with an added 2-3 sessions p/w of Calisthenics
- I am looking to move from less meats and start to look into plant-based protein sources

I won’t be able to do a complete 180 yet, however I’d like to know if anyone whose slowly transitioned off still reaped health benefits. IE

4 meals a day; 3 consisting of chicken/beef as primary source of protein and 1 without (currently)

4 meals a day; 1 consisting of meat as proteins and 3 consisting of plant based nutrients (planned)
@delia56 I didn't find that there were noticeable health benefits until I got rid of all meat, which was my first, and imo the easiest, step until I gave up all sources of dairy....