Meet Devin Ford, 7 Time Regional Competitor

@graceforyou So he was penalized what? 7 seconds per missing HSPU?

That comes out to about 6 minutes if I just skip the them entirely and move on to the handstand walks. Using the HQ method I should've just worked myself over on the first half of the workout, rested for 6 minutes, then just started trying to do handstand walks. My score would've improved drastically.
@bdawson101 And here I was pacing myself because I knew I’d hit a wall. I should have just did a quick max set then go right to the hsw (which I also can’t do)
@josephfaith I don't know what I expected with that Diane video but holy shit hahahaha. This dude should definitely not be at the games. However this will be a great opportunity to voice our concerns and then see him completely tank when being judged again like at regionals except on an even grander stage. Maybe that'll teach HQ some kind of lesson. Probably not though.

Edit: Oh my god his entire youtube channel is gold.
@cantgetright Yeah, direct-from-Open qualification is generally a joke. They should re-think the process next year and use the Sanctionals as a regionals process with qualifiers coming from the Open, and qualification to the Games coming from the Sanctionals. If they spread out the Sanctionals around the world, they could still get a larger number of countries represented, and they would have gone through at least one stage of judged competition to get there. And CFHQ still gets to outsource nearly the whole process.