[Meet Report] 2017 USPA Drug Tested Nationals. May 13, 2017. 633.8 (287.5) @ 148 (67.5) Junior 20-23 Raw (x-post from r/powerlifting)


New member
Background: I have been lifting seriously since January of 2016 and Nationals was my second meet. I started seriously training for my first powerlifting meet in May 2016. My fiance (husband in less than 3 weeks!) and coach (/@bruyas) had me on a linear periodization program. I have been training 6 days a week with Sunday being my rest day. We tried a different peaking program for this meet. I ran the peak that Marissa Inda uses. Coach and I agreed that this was a mistake. I'm not a mature enough lifter to handle the amount of stress this program put me under. This was my first meet that I had someone to compete against. Since competing last October, I have switched to sumo. I'm a much better sumo pulled because of my wide hips but I'm confident that I can pull conventional if I need to.


Opener: 100kg/220.46lbs. This was a number that I was confident in being able to smoke in the meet. Two white lights, One red light from the right side judge.

Second: 110kg/242.5lbs. This was another number I was confident in. This was my third attempt from Battle of the Beasts last October. Two white lights, one red light from the right side judge.

Third: X 117.5kg/259.0lbs. I got right at the top of my sticking point and was gassed. I tried to push through it but I didn't want to end up hurting myself. My best squat is 250 in the gym so I really should have made this lift. Three red lights.


Opener: 47.5kg/104.7lbs. We picked this because I can easily hit this for 5 reps any day of the week. This was my second and best attempt from Battle of the Beast last October. Three white lights.

Second: 52.5kg/115.74. My decent was slower than it should have been but I made the lift. Three white lights.

Third: 55kg/121.3lbs. This is 1.3 pounds heavier than my all-time best bench. I have doubled 120 twice in the gym but I have failed 125 everytime I have attempted it. I probably could have hit 126.77 lbs but we wanted to be conservative. I was nervous that I would get redlighted because the bar moved side-to-side after I locked it out. You can see it in the video. Three white lights.


Opener: 110kg/242.5lbs. We chose this number because this was my second and best attempt from Battle of the Beasts last October. Three white lights.

Second: 117.5kg/259.04lbs. Easy pull. Three white lights.

Third: 122.5kg/270.07lbs. This was another all-time PR for me. My previous best was 260 in the gym. I probably could have pulled 275 but we wanted to stay conservative. Three white lights.
Results: Went 8/9, increased my total by 43.8 pounds, got second age and weight class, and set a new PR on bench and deadlift. I finished with a Master total and am now 4 points away from a 300 Wilkes. I would have earned a 300 Wilkes had I gotten my third squat attempt. The only red lights I got were on my squats and they were for depth. I have never gotten a red light because of depth because I go so deep you can see my butt from the front. I don't believe I deserved the reds but oh well.
Moving Forward: For the next month or so, I'll be in a hypertrophy block and doing bodybuilding-style training. I haven't decided if I'm going to do Battle of the Beasts this year or the 2017 USPA Drug Tested Worlds meet. I want to train without a meet in mind to take some pressure off of me and my coach. I'll be squatting high bar and pulling conventional to work on my weaknesses - quads and back.

Video link: Instagram: JoCash24
@caelo21 following you on IG now!

your final attempts for bench and DL are two that I'm really going to be gunning for in 2.5 weeks at my first meet. Squat... well that's another story; i'll be lucky to hit 195+ :(
@jeff4607 I really think I could have hit 126 & 275 on bench & deadlift but I get too in my head so we didn't want to push it. Just remember to have fun at your first meet. It is a competition but most people just want to beat what they did in their last meet - or at least that's how I feel. I got second (out of 2 lifters lol) but I increased my total and that's really what's important!
@caelo21 126 I can hit in the gym, but definitely not with the pause at the bottom. I attempted 270 the other month and broke it off the ground before failing, but i'll still probably stick with that at my meet.
@caelo21 Theses are literally the same numbers I'd love to hit for my first meet. Same weight class as well. My squats will be much lower since I truly need to work on cutting my depth before going heavy.

This is so awesome girly congrats!
@chickentacossh You can do it! I kept my numbers really conservative for my first meet because I really wanted a total. I'm really bad about sinking my squats so I don't leave any doubt that I hit depth but doing that might be costing me pounds. I'm honestly still bitter about the red lights I got for depth lol
@caelo21 one of my friends competed in the same meet and got redlighted on her squat for depth that personally I think was totally depth, so I think there were some stickler judges lol

great meet!!
@caelo21 I just told my coach/boyfriend this and he says he knows you! Hahah! Love how the PL community works. heidevolk(ig:therealshahbazian)

My issue is the comfort zone at the hole, I'm like:"oooo okay I feel good here, stay low" lmao. But trying to work on it. Nerve wracking but exciting.