Meet Report: 452lbs at 105lbs, or 205.5kg at 48kg


New member
I had my 2nd powerlifting meet this last weekend. My first meet was in December 2014 and I was 115lbs. I first started lifting sometime before last summer, probably May 2014. I wasn't really consistent until September when I signed up for my first meet, but that was mainly because I was out of the country all summer.

I ran Candito Six week strength program for both of my meets.

The last week is like 95% of your old 1RM for AMRAP to project you new max.

The last Monday squat session of the program went great (165x5), but it really beat the shit out of me physically. I felt physically terrible and had a terrible bench session Wednesday (90 x ?) and was still dying Friday for deadlifts (I did 220 for a single, then 220 for a terrible double, then had to give up). Saturday I knew I had to do something about my body cuz it wasn’t gonna get better by itself. In that rest week, I did nothing except get a deep tissue massage on Monday of rest week and Wednesday of rest week.

Cutting weight

I was on a 500 cal deficit since Jan 2015, with some weeks of real fuck ups. Went from like 117-105.

I planned on weighing in Friday at 9AM. I kept salt up and then tried to stay “normally hydrated” by drinking a bit more water than usual. On Wednesday, I cut sodium in half and cut down on carbs. On Thursday, I cut sodium as much as possible and ate almost no carbs. I only eat ~0.8g / lb BW of protein usually, and kept this up throughout my weight cut because protein and carbs both store more water than fat does. Also, I upped my calories to a bit over maintenance to prevent any ounce of muscle loss by adding like 5 tablespoons of olive oil. Here’s the MFP entries.
I finished said liquid meal/ “smoothie” at noon and also quit drinking water until the next morning at 9am.
I'll give gold to the next redditor who cuts water weight using my method.

I brought my scale from home with me out of curiosity. Turns out my home scale weighs people 0.5kg lighter than the official scale.

Weighed in with clothes on at 47.6kg, or 104.94lbs, for the 105.75lb weight class



155lbs – good lift

160lbs – good lift, I was not centered so it was pretty effing rough. Also the back spotter advised me to lower my rack height cuz I struggled on the first attempt too. I thought I just really sucked at racking and unracking so that was helpful to know.

170lbs – red lighted for downward movement.

I originally wanted to do 155 / 170 / 180 but taking 2 weeks off squatting (last last Monday was my last squat day), I really feel like I kind of forgot how the movement goes. It was probably too long of a break for me esp since I haven’t been lifting that long. I should’ve just done some light work or something, idk. I was surprised that 170 was hard at all because I did 165 x 5 with energy to spare on the last heavy squat day. I probably would’ve started pushing harder before the grinding point but I really did not think that this attempt would be that bad.


83.7lbs – good lift. I wanted to open with 85 cuz I can do 85 x 6 pretty easily but my max is like 90 lbs. But I can’t pick 85 in kg and the choice was 88lbs, which was too close to my max and I didn’t wanna bomb out

92.5 lbs – butt came off bench when beginning to push the bar off my chest. I mean it didn’t but I don’t have discernible glutes and they look like my hamstrings and etc etc also a lot of other people got called for butt off the bench so I’m not even mad about it

92.5 lbs- too weak


My friends were all having shitty lift days and I was feeling kind of nervous in general because I wasn’t doing as well as I wanted to. Warm ups felt super heavy and I wanted to open with 210, then end with 235 (my max in December was 223) but I got scared cuz I didn’t want to bomb out. Lowered my opener from 210 to 195 lbs because I was scared as shit; also, I feel like I haven’t been lifting long enough to know what deadlift weight I can do “for a triple on a bad day”, esp with Candito’s 6 week strength program where I rarely do the actual deadlift (there’s a lot of deadlift variations so I did hella block pulls though).
I did something like


205 (wanted to move this attempt up after I gave it but they said you can only change your opener after you give it)

210 (just got scared and didn’t want to go higher)

Then after, turned up with alcohol and got annoyed I didn’t PR deadlift and pulled 225lbs 2 hours later in the basement gym of some new friends I made at the meet (non calibrated plates etc etc)

And I feel like I’m good for 235 or something so I am probably going to the gym to try it Tuesday or Wednesday lmaooo


I think I totaled similar to what I did in December at 115lbs except DL.

I also just got a DEXA this morning to see where my body fat is at, I'll post it tomorrow once I get everything scanned.

more detailed post on the whole meet if you're interested in details here:
@ruky Oh man, do I know how you feel about that last day of DLs before competing. I just had my first meet and my bench and deadlift regressed from my gym PRs set before running Candito as well.

I think most peaking programs are fairly difficult on a cut anyway.

(Also, I don't believe the results of your last DEXA. That's ridiculous)
@ruky This week, I'm doing some conditioning and dynamic work to see if I can survive adding back in some running. I might do a powerlifting variation of 5/3/1 I set up based off of Izzy's recommendations starting next week. I can share the spreadsheet when I get home.

I've been bouncing around between Sheiko and just two more rounds of Candito to see if it was just the cut giving me bad numbers because it would fit the timing for my next meet (13 weeks) but I don't know if either will really give me the rest I'll be needing if I do additional metabolic work.
@ruky Yeah, I was thinking about that as well (so many programs!) since it goes by RPE which could account for tired days. At first I was a but intimidated by all the new terminology but the more I've been reading it the more it makes sense.
@ruky Lmao at the alcohol PR. That's hilarious.

One other thing that helped me push my knees out, especially during heavier grinders, is mentally screaming in my head to push them out or die. I never picture a failed lift which helps with them emotions I am sure too.

Are you planning on running Candito's again? I'm running 4-day Sheiko and it also is huge on DL variations, but not a lot of actual full pulls. What I have done is modify the type of pulls on certain days, but not any of the volume. I just have to look ahead into the programming to really figure it out. I went from a 225 Squat to 260, 245 conventional DL to 270, and I hit 140 for two singles for bench. I'm re-running it with even more modifications, but those are mainly aesthetic and/or to help with sticking points so it isn't like a huge change from what is already accessory work on the program.
@tranthienvi47 What do you mean modify the type of pulls on certain days? I don't think I'll run it again because I don't like it for bench and jonnie himself doesn't like it for bench, and I just want to see what else is out there. Also, I just decided today I want to train conventional deadlift for awhile too. Haven't really looked into programming yet.
@ruky There are times where it says to do block pulls, but I will pull from the floor instead. I found that when I did only the variations and didn't include ground pulls frequently that when it did say to pull from the ground it would just feel a little foreign which may have been totally mental, but I've had much more success this way.
@ruky Go girl! Especially impressed with your DLs! I noticed on your squats when you hit heavy weight your knees bend in when coming up. I have the same problem. Do you or anyone else on this sub have suggestions on how to fix this?
@yovi1972 For me it's just a matter of mental cueing and learning to engage/strengthen the correct muscles. The cue that really made it click for me was to imagine a quarter under the outside edge of each heel, then to try to smash the quarter into the ground while you squat. Here's a great article about driving the lateral heel. It's almost impossible for the knees to track inward when you do this, if you remember to drive out of the hole with a slight push outwards. A bit of dedicated hip abductor work and now my knees track correctly and I strengthen those muscles every time I squat. The movement feels 100x better.
@yovi1972 Mark Bell Slingshot hop circle or anything similar to warm up. Or the hip abductor machine to work on the abductors. I mostly got rid of this issue this training cycle but I didnt warm up abductors like I usually do before the meet. For no particular reason :/