[meet report] ct strongest man. 231 open. 2nd place


New member
Came in 2nd out of 4. Most fun I’ve ever had competing. Lightning fitness might be the coolest gym in the country. It’s at least the best I’ve ever seen. There was kick boxing fights in between events.

Event one. Log medley.

260, 280, 300. I only hit the 260. I cleaned the 280 but didn’t even try to press it. I’m 95% sure it wasn’t there. 3rd. My overhead press is embarrassing and needs to be closer to 300. I’ve strict pressed 250. So I only get 10lbs out of my legs. Which is trash. I’m going to focus on this going forward.

Event two. Deadlift.
  1. Missed 665. Tied for 2nd. Idk what’s going on with my deadlift. It’s all over the place. Sometimes it feels great and like 700 is coming soon. Other times it’s shit and 605 is heavy. Today was in the middle. Was probably good for 645.
Event 3 keg carry.

This was judged on split times not on distance. One guy did the first two real fast and the other two struggled on the second keg but barely got them. I knew if I just casually did it I wouldn’t run out of air and be fine for second. So I did that and it paid off. 2nd place. Kegs were 250 275 300. Proud of this. Felt like smart gameplay.

Event 4 hammer hold.

Held for just under 13 seconds. In training I was getting 8-10 so I’m happy with that. 2nd. Hammer was 170.

Event 5 stone series.

Stones were 275 285 315 330 340. Did the first 4. I misjudged how tired I would be. In training I was one motioning all of these. But I kept training them fresh. Idk why I thought I could pull that off in comp. Zero chance. Did 4 in 30 something seconds. Fast enough for 2nd.

Had a great time. Pretty happy with how I did. Got to compete with friends. Water cut was only 15lbs and was the easiest one I’ve done.
@sherryfl Surprised you used the same hand for all three hammers - I always figured I'd I saw this in comp, I'd use my off hand for the first couple and my dominant hand for the final.

That's a hell of a lineup - bunch of taxing events. Looks like a great day, nice work man!
@saraannmarie Yea. In training I went left left right. And then for some reason as I approached the weight went nah just go right right right. I’m not sure why. It just felt more consistent.