Mom Getting Started


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Today I was proud of myself because I went to the local high school track and walked 4.17 miles in 1 hour, 10 minutes. I easily could have walked a few more miles, but my kids were with me and I couldn't keep them out for too long in the drizzling rain. Tomorrow it's supposed to be pouring all day, but I'm still hoping I can get up at 4 or 5am to walk at least five miles around my neighborhood.

I'm a 38-yr-old, 5 ' 0 female with two kids (ages 9 and 7) whom I had by C-sections. I have hypothyroidism. Before I had kids, I weighed 105 - 110 lbs. I weighed about 141 lbs. when I had my first child and then I weighed 157 on the day that my second child was born!! Ever since then, as a single mom working two jobs and being a grad student as well, I've honestly eaten like crap every day and it's amazing that I don't weigh 400 lbs. just because of how terrible my diet has been, like I can eat seven donuts in one sitting without any hesitation. :( My weight has remained steady between 135 - 142 lbs. for the past seven years, though right now I'm at 145 due to gluttony so far this week. I still feel pretty energetic throughout most of my daily activities, but whenever I try to run, I feel extremely out of shape (I've always loved running.).

The hard part is silly as this may sound, I usually don't feel like I'm overweight. I know that I'm extremely chubby compared to what I looked like pre-kids, but when I look in the mirror, I often think my figure doesn't look that shabby. However, when someone takes a pic of me or sometimes if I try on new clothes, that's when I often cringe! I really want to buckle down now and put in a real effort to lose weight. My goal is to get back to 125 or hopefully even like 110 again. My question is, how many calories should I eat per day? 1200? 1500? I plan to walk at least five miles every day from now on and hopefully exercise in other ways too, but eating is the hardest part for me because I tend to be such an all or nothing person ("Oh, I just ate a cookie- well, now my diet is screwed for today"). Also, I've been a total coffee ADDICT in recent years (constantly making my own at home with a spoonful of vanilla creamer and 1/4 cup of milk in each cup), but I'm finally starting to get tired of it and I'd like to try to cut it out entirely.
@raj7777 Hello twin -- I'm also 5ft and hovering around 140. Exact same issues with basically feeling fine about my size ("I wear it well" ie it's a lot in the boobs) but then I see a photo from an unflattering angle!

You'll want to use a TDEE calculator like but it will probably say 1400-1500 calories and then, if you're anything like me, you'll find it almost impossible (I need a carb snack in the afternoon or I'm miserable and our house is full of people who like to bake!)

I suggest you do like you are and add more steps and also, the key seems to be, adding some weight training to build muscle (which burns more calories). If you want to try and get back into running do a "Couch to 5k" program (lots of them available, many for free). If you used to be in better shape, you're probably pushing yourself too hard starting over.

Then you can be in a deficit (which is all the matters in the end -- but many ways to get there) at more like 1600-1750 which gives wiggle room for 3 healthy meals + a snack / treat (though probably not 7 doughnuts!).

The other tip I have for busy people and especially people with kids -- look at steps and calories over the week, not day by day (because some days can be crazy!). So I aim for 70k steps in the week, even if there's a day or two I don't leave the house.

Anyway, this is what seems to be working for me even if I have a hard time getting it to stick (down 2-3, then back up 5, then down 4...).
@raj7777 Obviously the majority of weight loss happens with a calorie deficit and the calculator will for sure help with that. But in my experience, finding something you really love doing that gets you moving will make a huge difference! Consistency is key to diet but also to how you move your body. From my experience, it’s really helped me get to my weight loss goals but I just feel better overall about my body!
@jriz Thank you! In the past week, my kids and I have been having dance parties at night (just following the steps to various YouTube dance videos to songs like Macarena and Shake It Off), and those have been something fun enough that I'm eager to do more. I enjoy walking too, but it takes about 1.5 hours to walk 5 miles so I am slightly discouraged about how much time that takes up and may try to replace it with other exercises on certain days.
@raj7777 if you do actually walk 5 miles every day, you could eat 1650 cal a day and get down to 110 in 9 months. if you aren't feeling up to Task in the exercise department, you can eat 1250 a day and get down to 110 in a year and a half
@jc09 Thank you so much for this comment! It really helps me to visualize what may be possible. Sometimes I feel like it's impossible for me to lose weight, but this week I have felt really motivated to walk and be more active, and I love to think that I could reach my goal weight by September! I know the year will fly by anyway.