Muscle up / Getting hips to the bar, but not over


New member
Hey guys,

This one still puzzles me; I can get the hips close to he bar, but I can't go over; Here is a banded attempt:

Is it have a timing issue...

Am I not "sitting up" agressivly enough...

Am I not rotating my wrists...

I don't know what the fault is in order to be able to correct it.

@ozarka That's actually a good tip! Because along with the other advice when I focused on head up, I made it:

Now I want to get this to land over my hips, not chest, perhaps my pull is too early...
@meeks83 I'm good at bar muscle-ups and I'm not sure I could get over the bar with what you're trying to do there because you're not recreating the kipping movement or generating all of the necessary power through the hips. You can't even keep your arms straight with what you're doing there, which is one of the keys to utilizing the power from the kip.
@meeks83 You are not maintaining a hollow position at all…which is really the core (no pun intended) of all your CrossFit gymnastic work. Take a huge step back and Start over working on the basics. If you have IG, @pamelagnon posts a lot of excellent drills.
I know it’s not what anyone WANTS to hear, but it is what most people NEED to hear.
Is your ultimate goal to get a single bar MU, or to be proficient at bar MUs? Getting the foundational movements down will allow you to progress further than just throwing yourself around and muscling through the movement.
@miracle2018 The goal was to understand a very specific piece of the movment. When I get closer to the bar, what am I missing that is preventing me from getting over the bar? Answer: I need to pull strong into the bar and shoot my head through (and high). Many thanks to the Redditors for helping me on that.

There was absolutly no reason to not understand that piece of the movement and "just take a huge step back" Actually I did try this specific piece with a stick while lying on the floor BUT I wasn't able to translate that while being suspend in mid-air; So I used some bands to get myself in mid-air.
@miracle2018 Hey so I defenitly want to improve it and the end goal is to do this with good form.

For now I wanted to understand just the transition movement pattern in my head without looking at the skill as a whole. The goal of the band was just to get my hips high enough without worrying about form or strength.

I can now break up the bits. So the swing needs to be jump from hollow, to arc, back to hollow, kip (hip extension), pull hard (which I was missing), and then over!

Now that I know what a transition feels like; I can go over the drills and I will have a better understanding of what I need to acheive from the drill.

Also thanks for the IG accountt; that's really helpful!