My 4 month recomp effort after 2 year pandemic hiatus

@jess73 For me the solution was to find protein rich meals I actually like the taste of and learning to cook them properly. My protein sources are chicken, tofu, salmon, cottage cheese, greek yogurt, lentils and ground beef. I have four meals or snacks everyday with at least 30-40 grams of protein. The days I can’t reach my target with just the food, I have a protein shake for another 30-40 grams.

Some of my favourite meals:

Pan-seared chicken breast (who knew actually tastes good if properly seasoned and not overcooked!)

Lentil soup (I have it for breakfast it’s a regional thing ok :D )

Stir fried veggies and tofu (Tastes great if you add some beef or chicken stock and some sauce to it.)

I plan my meals in bulk on the weekend and do most of the prep work all at one go. I’m still cooking daily though but take 20 minutes tops when I have everything ready. I’ll have to see how I manage if I ever have to go back to an office and eat my food microwaved!
@denise4god Can you share a recipe with chicken??

I tried to eat a Lot of chicken but I could eat for only a month then I stopped for a whole year, It was a Lot of chicken
@henk So I’m eating chicken breast maybe three or four times a week. I try to have enough variety that my food doesn’t get boring. I have a few different recipes I like and use one each week.

And here’s some of my favourite seasoning options for chicken:

Chicken tandoori: use the store bought tandoori seasoning mixed in yogurt marinade left overnight and cooked in the oven.

Persian style chicken: let the chicken soak in lime juice, chopped onions and salt over night. Brush on some saffron yogurt mix and pan-sear or cook in the oven.

Make a rub with fresh ground pepper, paprika, cayenne pepper, garlic powder and dried rosemary. Salt the chicken and rub seasoning all over it and pan sear on stove top.

Here’s a really useful video that helped me improve my chicken breast cooking skills:
@denise4god Haha yes! I am notorious for overcooking and under seasoning chicken when I try to cook in bulk! Thank you for your response! I’m definitely going to try to add a few of those things.
@christine2030 It’s awesome, gets me my daily fiber intake too! There’s probably a lot more elaborate tastier recipes online, but here’s my low effort recipe:

Cook 2 cups of lentil in a pot until super mushy or your own preference and let water reduce a bit.

Add 1 cup of either chicken or beef broth. (Can use store bought but but awesome when I have my homemade broth I keep in the freezer.)

Season with salt, mint powder and cumin. (I never measure properly but I use a lot of mint and some cumin.)

I keep in fridge for the rest of the week and heat up in the morning and squeeze some lime juice on it and eat it. This lasts me 3 to 4 days of breakfast.