My arms are impossible... any advice?

@andrewxk7 Hi, as others have already pointed out, you need to reduce fat and maybe build slightly bigger muscles to achieve your goal.

You can't spot reduce fat. You need to work on reducing fat in general (mostly through diet, partly through cardio). Depending on your genetics, fat will come off your arms sooner or later. You can't control which parts of your body will lose fat first.
@andrewxk7 Your arms look completely normal. Everyone stores body fat differently, if you want thinner arms you may well find you need to lose more weight than is healthy or looks good for you elsewhere on the body.
@andrewxk7 You can’t force urself to lose fat on a certain part of ur body genetically you just store more fat in ur arms the only way to make them look less fat is to tone them up so ur muscles are bigger meaning ur fat storage won’t need to be as big their but it won’t make huge changes
@andrewxk7 Your arms are not chubby. They look perfectly normal. You do not have a large amount of muscle there and so the fat you have is more obvious. Concentrate on lifting heavier weights as time goes on and eating a good amount of protein. If you want to get leaner (lower overall body fat percentage) it's a lot of hard work.
@dawn16 Glad I have company. When I first posted, the only comments were commiserating with OP and offering suggestions, but not acknowledging that her arms also look fine.
@andrewxk7 We all have to store body fat somewhere, for some of us it is lower body, or tummy, or for you it may be your arms. You can certainly keep building muscle there, but it's normal for them to look 'soft' when un-flexed.
@fredt01 Yeah, I think in my case are my arms... I don't want to loose weight I feel okay with my body now! I will try different training. As people said, I should focus in other parts as well >_<

Thank you!
@fredt01 Agreed, it's genetic where we store extra fat. For me it's my thighs. I am pretty lean everywhere else. My collar bones are like knives. My arms are lean. I run half marathons. I have done plenty of heavy lifting and squats in my day (though not recently). Despite anything I have tried, my thighs are still jiggly and I still have cellulite - I have just accepted that this is my body. I would have to get down to an exceptionally low BF% to get the remaining fat from those deposits and it's just not worth it for me.
@dawn16 To add to this, most women have cellulite and it's literally just the way that fat tends to sit on women's bodies due to blood circulation and oestrogen.

I've seen super fit, athletic women with cellulite on their legs because well, most people have some fat on their bodies and it's just one of those things that we've been socialised to hate despite being natural.

I only noticed cellulite on my own legs last summer and it was because I was sitting in a specific way and up until then figured I didn't have it 😂
@dawn16 Saaaame! I work out consistently 4-5 days a week, a good (and programmed) mix of strength and cardio. I have visible abs but maaaan, my thighs... even at my lowest weight (running half marathons).
I would have to lower my body fat to an unhealthy percentage to be satisfied with them and ... It's just not worth the hassle! I have days where I'm really annoyed by it and then others, where I'm okay with it. It's genetics. My mother stores the fat in the same spots.
@andrewxk7 Same with mine. I also think it is genetic, and my arms have been nearly the exact same at any weight I've been (from ~112 pounds to 180). I've just learned to embrace it because when to do flex I look really strong!
@mariav0123 I think so too! I sometimes need to buy t shirts a size larger due to my arms storing more fat than e.g. my stomach. My mom is exactly the same, so I genetics probably play a big role here.
@pinkfaith7 I feel your mild inconvenience haha. I have to wear a long sleeve uniform at work and idk what model they used but the arms are TINY and there is no give whatsoever. It makes me feel like the hulk 😈