My Beginner high volume light weight Arnold split program, please critique(in kg)


New member


1 incline bb press

20kg barbell

10kg each side 20rep
12.5 each side 20reps
15 each side 15reps
17.5kg each side 12 reps
20kg each side 8reps
22.5kg each side 4 reps
25kg each side 2 reps

2 cable fly
5 reps, 20-20-15-12-8 reps

Increasing one plates each set, starting from two plates

Machine fly
4 reps, 20-15-12-8 reps

Starting from 5-6 plates to 8

Or either flat bench db fly

10kg 20rep
12.5kg 15 rep
12.5kg 12 rep
15kg 8rep

Wide grip pendley rowss(back parallel to floor)

20kg barbel

10kg each side 20 rep
12 kg each side 15rep
15kg each side 12 rep
17.5kg 8 reps
20kg 6reps

Seated cable rows
20-15-12-8 reps
Starting from 6plates to 8

Neutral grip lat pull down to front
20-15-12-8 reps

Starting from 6 plates to 9

Or seated single arm high cable rows alt
4 set,20-15-12-8 reps
5-6 plates to 8plates

or one arm db rows
12.5kg to 20kg, 20-15-12-8 reps

Flat bench 20 kg barbell press

12.5kg each side 0rep
15kg 20reps
17.5kg 15reps
20kg 12 reps
22.5kg 8reps
25kg 6reps
27.5kg 3 reps
30kg 1 reps

Tbar rows

35kg 20rep warmup
45kg 15rep
55kg 12 rep
65kg 8 reps
70kg 6reps



Alt db curl
10kg 30reps
10kg 24reps
12.5kg 24 reps
12.5kg 20reps
15kg 12 reps

Preacher curl

3plates 15 reps
4plates 12 reps
4plates 8 rep +4reps with 3 plates
4plates 6reps +2reps with 3 plates
5plates 4 reps

10kg straight barbell curl

5kg each side 20reps
7.5kg each side 15 reps
10kg each side 12 reps
12.5kg each side 8 reps

Tricep cable pushdown straight bar
5-6plates to 8plates
20-20-15-12-8 reps

10kg Ez bar Deep skull crusher flat bench

5kg 20reps,
7.5kg each side 15 reps
7.5kg 12 reps
10kg each side 8reps

Flat bench shoulder width close grip bench press
20kg barbell

15kg weight 20 reps
20kg weight 12 reps
22.5kg weight 8reps
25 kg weight 6reps
27.5kg weight 3 reps

Incline db curl
7.5kg 15reps
10kg 12 reps
10kg 8 reps
12.5kg 6 reps

Machine tricep dips
Full stack 20-15-12-8reps

Bb overhead press
7.5kg each side 20reps
10kg each side 15reps
12.5kg each side 12 reps
15 each side 8reps
15kg each side 6reps
17.5kg 3 reps

Side db lateral raise
10kg 15reps
10kg 12 reps
12.5kg 8 reps


Cable side lateral raise

One plate 15reps each arm
, 2 plates, 12 reps+8rep each arm

Wednesday/Saturday legs

Legs extension

2 plate, 20rep
3 plates 20rep
4plate 15 reps
5 plate 12 reps
5plate 8 reps

Behind the neck barbell squats narrow stance 20kg barbell free weight

10kg 15 reps
12.5kg 15 reps
15kg 12 reps
17.5kg each side 8 reps
17.5kg 6reps
20kg each side 4 reps

Leg press machine
30kg plate 20reps
40kg plate 20reps
50kg plate 15reps
60kg plate 12 reps
70kg 8reps

Hack squat,no weight 12 rep
With 10kg weight 6reps max

Legs extension
1-2 plates 20 reps
3 plate 15 reps
4 plates 12 reps
4platw 8 reps

Db squat and calves raise(junk volume)


I started training legs just last month to build core and knee strength and reduce alot of weight for upper body to build form and mind muscle connection

I value shoulder and tricep comparatively less then other upper body muscle groups since they are easier to build with even less exercises

Chest and bicep are the most valuable

I really wanna reach intermediate level asap

It takes me atleast 1.45 hr to max 2 he each session doing atleast 6 to 8 ex
@dawn16 I get pumped doing like two exercises for each muscle, but I don't feel fully fatigued enough, I lift light weights but to failure

Apart from building muscle I also wanna increase my pr esp on bench barbell press both flat and incline and bi curls

I try to hit my pr on bench each chest/back session
@dawn16 My sets are alot but aren't the ex I choose to do are important

I do atleast two compound movement with two isolation exs for each muscle groups
@kirthika There should be no this or that exercise in a plan. It's called a plan because you go into the gym with an actual plan. Not what suits on the day. This is way too complicated. You don't get to "intermediate level" (whatever that is) by just doing a shed load of routines. It's time spent, being consistent, eating right, sleeping well. Sorry dude, but this whole plan is bullshit. Don't overcomplicate things, that's the fault of YouTube bros trying to sell things.
@kepha23 I do like two compound exercises and two isolation ex for ex for chest both flat and incline barbell press

And both cable fly and machine Or db fly

And for back tbar and pendley rows

And seated cable rows and lat pull or high cable rows single arm

For bi/tri

Alt db curl and tri push down cable

Machine Preacher curl and skull crush

Straight bar curl and close grip bb press flat

Then isolation like incline db curl both arm then machine dips tri

Don't you think it makes sense
@kirthika You're spending half the time swapping your weights around. 2 hours is too much. You should be in there for 1 hour tops. Simplify your plan out, write it back up, put it back on here. Stick to one weight for the set not this many reps at this weight, then this weight for this many reps. It's rubbish. As I said, don't overcomplicate things. It's very basic. What you are doing will lead you to burnout and/or injury.
@kepha23 I agree

Less rep and more heavy weights

Will update

I do get fatigued alot, I many times have to leave the gym 10min after entering knowing I can't lift today
@kirthika 4 to 6 exercises, 2 to 4 sets, 8 to 20 reps (20 being maximum for only 1 or 2 exercises per week) 90 to 120 seconds between sets of rest, not lugging weights about REST.
@kirthika We all get caught up in doing this when we start. Anyone who says they haven't is a liar or very lucky to have excellent guidance from the start. As I said, places like YouTube have created it to be more difficult than it actually is so they can sell their guidance for £150 a month. But you did the right thing by asking and listening.
@kirthika Damn bro. Keep it simple. Do full body 3 days a week. (Mon, Wed, Fri) you could even break it up into phases. For 3 weeks do power 5x3. Then you could move into more of a traditional 3 weeks 3-4x8-10. Then lower the weight a little and do something like 4-6 x 12-15. Then go back to the power

That's a lot and way to complicated