My Dry January Fitness Experiment (UPDATE)


New member
Hey y'all!

So I did a dry January and got myself back into a good fitness routine after falling out of one for a few months and gaining 10 lbs (see original post here). I do want to lose the weight I gained, but I didn't want to change too many habits at once, so I decided that during January I wouldn't make any effort to control my diet; I would simply focus on not drinking and building up discipline in the gym. I was curious if I would lose weight by that alone and estimated that I would lose 5-7 lbs.

Here's the update:

Jan 1 - 157.6 lbs (71.5 kg), 26.8% BF

Feb 1 - 153.0 lbs (69.4 kg), 25.9% BF

Slightly NSFW progress pics, from the front, completely relaxed.

So I'm down 4.6 lbs (2.1 kg)! Shy of my estimate, but that was simply an estimate and not a goal. I'm pretty stoked about it and also super proud of myself for going a month without drinking and getting my ass back into the gym :)

My plan is to get down to around 145 lbs (65.8 kg) and then do a recomp. This means I have 8 lbs (3.6 kg) to lose. I would like to hit this goal weight by April 1st, which gives me 8 weeks to lose 8 lbs, which is a manageable and healthy pace. Today begins my official calorie cut and I'm gonna start at 1800 calories a day and see how that goes for me. I plan on not drinking again until the end of March.

One thing worth noting is that I'm 3-6 days away from getting my period; my last period started Jan 10th so the first picture is 10 days pre-period.

I used this to calculate body fat. Probably not the most accurate lol but from what I understand, no method is very accurate besides DEXA so what's most important is that you consistently use the same thing.

Thanks so much to everyone in this community for the ongoing support, I am obsessed with all of you and this subreddit :) xo
@jannsis I didn't make it all the way through the month. I did make it 3.5 weeks though. Also, I started lifting again and even though I had some drinks, I haven't missed any workouts. So, I call that a success!
@jannsis Awesome job!! I've really been digging the dry Jan posts and updates and it inspired me.

I did a mostly dry Jan - I had 3 drinks the entire month, and all of those were a shot of liquor w/ diet tonic. The drinks I had were also very intentional - no just opening a bottle of wine and plopping on the couch.

I got back to counting calories again and I lost a total of 2.8 lbs in January. I'm training for a half marathon after about a 4 month break from running due to an injury and man, I feel like this could be a good year for running for me. Drinking almost no alcohol has def helped!

I look forward to seeing more of your updates!
@jannsis I failed dry January but I loved seeing your posts! Thank you for this follow up. I'm feeling inspired to try again - February might be a better month for me! Also, I love your tattoo. I'm thinking about rewarding myself with another tattoo if I can get my weight back under 135lbs (F, 5'3")!
@jannsis My dry January was a success! I'd like to do it another month for sure, but not February because I have an anniversary. I think I want to do a different challenge every month though- either fitness or health. February is 100 push ups a day month! If you want to join me in that please do! Also they don't have to be in one go, when I've done it before I broke them up during the day.
@spansl Not OP, but I think I'll join in the 100 push up challenge! I think i'll have to go on my knees at some point so my goal atm is go 25 without having to go on knees
@spansl get it!!! I'm doing a no-spend February and beginning my calorie restriction this month, so I will be cheering on your pushups from the sidelines. Please keep us updated!
@jannsis Good job! I don’t drink at all anyways apart from wine occasionally but I had no idea drinking could cause so much bloat and weight gain. How tall are you also? I am trying to lose weight and was using the wrong TDEE. I was cutting my calories to 1400 and then I went to the best TDEE calculator and put in my info and it turns out I wasn’t even eating enough calories to sustain my body at rest, much less with working out 5-6 days a week. Pretty sure I was in starvation mode and my body was holding on to EVERYTHING. I switched to 1730 a day and have been losing steadily now this week. Good luck with your goals and keep up the awesome work!
@gordiehowe The one I used before this on told me to eat like 1200 calories a day. I did this for 2 weeks and I wasn’t losing a damn thing doing that. After I started using this TDEE I have dropped 1.2 pounds this week.