My fitness goal: be able carry my 130 lbs partner from the couch to the bed without waking her up. How to achieve?

@volinfl This exactly, plus it’ll help you get used to the dead weight of a person. The way the sand shifts greatly mimics someone passed out and incapable of making your job easier.
@whatgoeshere Hey there, I've totally had a similar goal! I'm 5' (145lbs) and my partner is 5'8" (160? Lbs). What helped me the most was focusing on back strength and practice carrying. Specifically:
  • pull up
  • deadlift
  • rows
  • zercher squats
  • zercher carrys
  • girlfriend carrys
Try focusing on higher weight for lower reps (1-5) to build strength and use your accessory movements for high rep work (6+). Good luck! It's super fun once you get there.
@whatgoeshere Hi this is precious as hell! People have already mentioned squats for being able to lift her up and put her back down; I hadn’t heard of the Zercher squat before but it looks perfect. It’s also going to take a ton of core strength and stability to carry basically your own body weight up a flight of stairs, so I would also recommend doing things like farmers walks and sandbag carries - not sure what kind of equipment your gym has but just practice carrying heavy loads back and forth and gradually building up. Basically a Zercher squat into a Zercher carry into another Zercher squat seems to be what you want to practice! Best of luck and please be careful with your back!
@whatgoeshere This is likely unachievable for someone your size unless you want to drastically change the way you look.

you will need to get your deadlift close or over 300 and squat over 220 for reps.
@acer621 Experience and knowing what I'm doing. She can walk a few steps currently, how is she going to be able to get to her goal without putting on muscle mass thereby drastically changing the way she looks.

I can do what OP wants to do, I know how hard/easy it is.

We are talking about someone carrying another person that weighs about the same as them, 10m to the stairs, up 12-13 steps and about another 10m to a bedroom. Yet she is deadlifting 85lbs for sets of 7.
@theanthem How much "drastic" will her change in appearance be, once she can accomplish this feat?

What you said is silly, and you are a silly person for saying such silly things.
@mlenadc She will have to be significantly more stronger and muscular. Prob 10-15lbs of muscle at least.

At the moment she can only go a for couple of steps lol, let alone the full 10 metres. Let alone up a flight of fucking stairs. Whilst making sure it's safe enough AND not waking the person up.

It's absolutely ludicrous all the people on the thread who think this is possible without significant change in muscle mass and strength.

Even this guy who is a 6 foot+ 200+lb man doesn't want to carry his disabled wife up stairs due to safety concerns. This is while she is awake and compliant. His wife is lighter than most women too due to atrophy.

So with all that in mind, people in this thread think a 5'3 130lbs women is going to do this with an uncompliant sleeping person SAFELY while not waking them up. While the guy in the video thinks it's unsafe while probably being twice as strong or more OP. Delusional.
@theanthem I can pick up my guy friend (5'10" 155 lbs) pretty easily (I didn't try to walk around just carry for about 20 seconds) and I can pick up and walk around with my friend (5'1" 133 lbs) and I could probably move her around couch to couch cuz she feels like a feather. For reference I'm almost 5'9" and 145 lbs.

I squat 185lbs and deadlift close to 225 and bench 135 :I'm still a noob :p. Idk I've never tried carrying someone up a flight of stairs or someone sleeping so it could be much harder. I noticed when trying to lift my other 130 lb 5'1" friend it was significantly harder when they started off lying on the ground then standing up or on a couch so angles and leverage could play a part here 🤔.
@blackprophet Carrying another person, their own size(assuming), with enough stability that they don't wake up? Up stairs as well.

Carrying bags is way easier than carrying a person who is significantly heavier than 80lbs in a controlled manner.
@colin44 Ok I admit it's not all altruism, it's partly my competitive streak. Right now she can pick me up and carry me farther than I can carry her and she doesn't lift at all...