My fitness goal this year was to improve my core strength. Today, I did 20 sit-ups in a row!


New member
Before you all think wtf that’s nothing.

All my life, I’ve never been able to do sit-ups. I would struggle to lift my chest up, and I’d be wriggling around using my hands to desperately clutch onto my legs to give me support while coming back up.

Today, I did it without any hands!! 😭❤️ Not only once, but TWENTY times in a row. I never thought this would be possible.

This is only the beginning. I’m really excited to keep going. It’s amazing to see the body get stronger and do things it couldn’t do before.

For context I am F early 30s, 5’3 and 160lb. I have gained about 15lb over the pandemic, so was worried that I wouldn’t be able to do a sit-up until I lost weight. It’s really cool that the body can do sit-ups at this weight - I just needed to keep training the muscle!
@dustytoast That is amazing! Hitting a goal for the first time is always such a great feeling no matter how big or small because it means you are closer to the finish line while showing progress. Congratulations!
@dustytoast How did you train your body to do it? I’ve gone up in my progressive overload with lifting small weights and have seen strength improvement but for the life of me can not do ANY sit ups or push ups!! Share your secrets! :)
@zookajoe Hahaha I joined a Muay Thai course at the beginning of this year where we are forced to do 20 sit-ups as a “warm-up” along with squats, burpees, high knees and other high intensity exercises. 🤣🥲

For the first 4-5 months, I was still wriggling around a lot tbh, but the last few weeks I’ve noticed I was finding it less difficult to get myself up and keep up with the others in my class.

Muay Thai is one of the toughest fitness classes I’ve had to do, but the conditioning they put you through is nuts and I think it’s just helped build my abs/core muscles to be able to finally do sit-ups!
@dustytoast Wowzaa! So proud and excited for you 👏🏼🥳 I'm currently working on my core strength too so I know how amazing it feels like being able to move my body in ways I could never before.