Neck Training With Calisthenics: A Guide To Building a Stronger Neck With No Equipment

@raykay i saw jeff nippard neck video , i superset front and back of neck with 2.5kg plate on my head while laying on bench twice a week 15 rep of 3 sets. Its been 12 weeks. It got little bit fuller before it was skinny like a lean person.
@ilivebecausehedied I overdid it one time , it got sore but it was almost 3 months later , i was doing twice a week but now doing once a week 3x12 front 5kg plate. Back of head as same but not superseting it anymore.
@raykay What do you think about this video?

Is it too intense, therefore unsafe? If I build it up with long sets, can it be useful, or the position is too unsafe?

If I did isometrics by hanging my head from the bed (not HANGING, but you know, my head is off the bed, as in the neck curl exercise, just in neutral) and I apply a pressure, is it as safe as the curling?
@raykay Nice summary. I'm not sure why but after like 3 yesses from laying down position,head hanging over the edge of the bed, I get very nauseous. Just can't do those.
@raykay Not sure if you made the change already. What I meant is when I’ve seen common misconception lists like that they usually list the misconception not the truth. It looks like you’re saying you’ve gotta have equipment and have to do neck bridges (that was my initial read till I looked closer).
@ben888 A lot of that is genetic, I should know as my family's narrow sinus genetics cursed me with sleep apnea at an early age. Thanks mom. If you've lost that genetic lottery you can have a pencil neck and still have obstructed sleep.

I have read about it being a concern with professional bodybuilders that have enormous neck muscles and a lot of extra muscular weight constricting them. Or a very obese person, who's neck weight is pressing down on them. But those are outliers, the average person is not going to be walking around with a 21 inch neck.

Will the people reading this, realistically, develop obstructively large neck muscles from some sets of bodyweight neck extensions? No, they're probably gonna be fine.