Need advice ASAP


New member
Going to MEPS in 4 days, have to keep a 38 inch waist. Pretty sure I dropped this low because of fasting. Do I just need to stick to a calorie deficit and exercise or will that gain my inches right back? I’m stressing the fuck out about it. I already drink tons of water, close to 9 bottles a day. Help, please. And does the preparation H and Saran Wrap still work? Please don’t scold me, I literally dropped all this within 2 weeks, have been busting my ass off for months to make tape. I want real advice not “You should’ve worked harder” or “you shouldn’t have became a fat body”
@pewdiepie You'll be fine. The math doesn't work that way. I think it's something like 5,000 calories a day for a week and you'd gain 5 pounds. Just stick to around 1,500 calories (this is my sweet spot) and don't eat too many fruits or sodium. I'm not sure of your fasting schedule but when I intermittent fast I usually do 16 hours from 8pm to 12 pm the next day. I have noticed if I eat too clean (fruits, veggies, and I tend to crave sodium a lot) then I hold onto A LOT of water weight and become bloated.

I'm 6'4" ~205-208 and have jumped up to 214 in under 5 days from doing that. Mostly because I felt like overeating fruits (apples, oranges, grapes) veggies (carrots, broccoli) and nuts (cashews, almonds, pistachio's) as snacks was better than the alternative of eating junk but ended up bloating me like a balloon.

Also if you're not counting macros I would do it for the next few days just so you can watch your fats / sodium / carbs / sugar etc
@homebrewer Thank you so much! I really appreciate the advice man, I’ve been stressing so much that I can’t even sleep. You’ve helped relieve my stress a bit, so as long as I eat reasonable shit with exercise I’ll be okay?
@pewdiepie If you're already where you need to be i couldn't see why your body would change that quickly unless it's something that I mentioned with my experience.

If you've been fasting just keep your body on the same schedule more or less. You don't want it to notice a sudden change and then it switches modes to overcompensate. If you've been fasting for days then eat a little something, don't starve yourself to death but keep it small and reasonable. Some chicken, a bit of rice, a yogurt. Idk what people eat tbh but if you've been working hard and seeing results then you know how your body works to some degree and what it likes / dislikes I would assume. Again just keep it small with low sugar / sodium and carbs.

If you've been drinking a lot of water maybe in the days before 1-2 days before you go do some heavy exercise and sweat a lot. Maybe a steam room? I don't know 100% how to drop water weight that your body is holding onto or if that's even plausible so you'd probably want to look that up but that will be a fast way to squeeze out a little more that your body probably isn't giving up.

Also, for what it's worth drink a bunch of green tea. I'm not sure you'll get results in 4 days but I've been drinking 3-5 cups a day for a couple weeks and it feels like it's doing good things for me. I can't remember what it is but something about it helps your body process fats in a better way. I'm a believer in it.
@pewdiepie First off, if you're not going Army why even bother? Second, I'm confused. Are you asking if exercise and working at a calorie deficit will put more fat on your waistline, or if it would be better to keep fasting and not eat? Short answer, do your own research, nobody knows anything about fitness, but the quickest way to lose pounds is to skip on and many calories as you can and burn as many as you can off. If you're worried about losing muscle, you need to get enough protein to maintain it (generally people say 1g of protein per pound you weigh, but some people recommend half of that)
And last, if you're going into the military, KEEP UP WOTH YOUR CALISTHENICS. I've been a shit soldier for the past few months, but I still get promoted cause I pass the PT test. I've met people who have been E-2s for years cause they can't pass their test.

Edit: also forgot to mention, don't be stupid and hurt yourself, but the less water you drink, the better. I usually stay at a 28 waistline, but if I drink enough water I get up to 32-34, maybe even more.
@pewdiepie Well, I guess you have three days left now, but I would have recommended training for that PT test and eating at a pretty decent calorie deficit and maintaining that high protein.
I hope it went well man, and be a good soldier. We have enough shit ones already.