Need advice with my diet for gaining weight


New member
What I should change in my diet to gain weight in healthy way.
I'm very skinny 1,7m 52kg 😕

1 meal - Green smoothie

50g Spinach/kale
30g shelled hemp seeds
15g flaxseeds
3 bananas
100g frozen mango/pineapple
3 dried dates
3 brazil nuts

2- meal - Overnight oats

60g oats
20g marple syrup
200ml almonds milk
10g chia seeds
50g almonds butter
50g walnuts/ Cashew nuts
150g blueberries
100g vegan yoghurt

3 meal - last meal

100g rice/quinoa/buckwheat/
100g Black beans/red beans/ green lentils
1 Avokado
100g Salsa/ other tomato sauce
100g sauerkraut/kimchi
0,5 Pepper
1 tomato
@seinfeld In order to gain weight you need to make sure you’re tracking your calories and are consistently eating in a calorie surplus.

Adding some protein powder to your smoothie, adding protein pasta to your last meal, having a snack in between a meal(s) could help.
@seinfeld You're eating a lot of high fiber, high satiety, low calorie foods. cut out some of the fruits and seeds, replace them with nut butters. Add olive oil to your food. Eat some tofu and peanut butter. Replace some of the beans in your last meal with tofu or Seitan.

Easier still, just add a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and glass of soy milk each day. That's 500-600 easy calories.
@calostemma I use cronometer to track my calories and it show me 3000kcal. I trying eating more but already have problem with being bloated all the time. I have 91g of fiber in my diet 🧐 Something is wrong, I spent a lot of money every month for food. But I still look like someone who eat only 1 slice of bread.
@seinfeld Then you likely have your metabolic rate set wrong in cronometer. There's a lot of information missing here, how active are you?

Also IMO being way too specific with your portion sizes for bulking, just eat a lot of food and adhere to the 80/20 rule --> 80% good whole foods, 20% down some ice cream before bed.
@seinfeld Ok, so if you’ve been consistently eating 3000 calories and haven’t been gaining any weight, that means you’ll need to set a higher calorie target for yourself. I would try aiming for 3500 calories, and see how that goes.

I also agree with the other comment that the food you’ve listed here doesn’t look like it would add up to 3000 calories. Perhaps you could post a screenshot of your food log for one day so we could see? And make sure there are no errors, etc?
@seinfeld Creatine in your smoothie... bad carbs like pastas and breads will bulk you up as well. Go heavier on lentils, its a clean carb and easy to burn. Beware, its seasonal... i suggest loading up a quarter, then cutting back the next and leaning out. And go again on a bulk, then to cut. Fastest way to gain mass as a vegan.
@wiley27 Protein powder could add 100+ kcal to green smoothie. Problem I have with last meal to make it high in calorie and healthy but not to much high in fibre.
@seinfeld I’m (M48) 171cm and 86kgs and I need to eat 6x per day to maintain that… so, yeah, while I admire the cleanliness of your diet, I’m dubious about the possibility of substantial gains.

re: your last meal. You don’t eat tofu/tempeh/seitan/mock-meats? That’d make your life considerably easier.