Need Feedback


New member
New to Kettle Bells. Turning 57 next month and started using KBells after being discharged from the hospital for pneumonia last month. I progressed up to Deadlifts, Swings, Goblets and C&Ps. I use Mark Wildman as my KB guru and have been mostly following his progression. I am including Rev Lunges and 1/4 TGUs in my program to be able to preform them. No Snatches yet. I am Not Decondition, I have been lift for a long time with Barbells and DBs.
I currently have 10, 15, 20, 30, 40 and 50 pound KBs and plan to start the following four day program with a Heavy/Light split.
All Days have a Warm up and Cool down.

Day 1&3
1. Reverse Lunges. (5x5) working on form

2.DeadLifts Heavy D1/Light D3

3.Swings L D1/ H D3

**Will start with 5 sets and progress
To 10.

Circuit through 3/4 times

4.KB S/A Floor Press 12 reps
  1. KB S/A Rows 12 reps
  2. KB 2H KB pullovers

Day 3 -circuit 3/4 times/12 reps
  1. KB 2H OHP
  2. KB 2H Skullcrushers
  3. KB 2H Curls
Day 2&4

1.1/4 TGUs 5x5


2.Goblet H D2/ L D4
  1. C&P L D2/ H D4

CORE Circuit through 4 times

4.Bridge Tuck 15 reps
  1. Spinal Rock 15 reps
  2. Flat Back Pullovers 15 Reps
  3. S/A Swings 30 reps

    ***this was suppose to be a minute each but the stop watch on my phone disappears after a few minutes and it just becomes frustrating. If someone could recommend an App. that sounds off every minute I would appreciate it. Free or cheap would be nice too.
I have been working on my form. Using lighter weight. Deadlifts are not that challenging with the weight I have.

I am ordering a 60 pound KB next month. I am going to move onto S/A Kettle Bells, then work in Single Leg

Any input is appreciated.
@feesperanzaamor I won't really comment on the program itself as others will be better qualified. But couple of things...

I would say I've seen lots of stuff from Wildman and never seen him focus on 2H overhead press. The 1H clean and press is an excellent movement that can fix imbalances between one side and another by making both sides do their own work at different times. And many advanced kettlebellers will end up doing double clean and press which can be a real challenge. But I don't see why you would want to do a 2H press unless you only had one kettlebell and it was too heavy to press with one hand. With kettlebells we are generally not trying to imitate barbells by grabbing something with two hands and pushing it.

And clearly you do have bells that you can press with one hand because you are already programming clean & press light and heavy for day 2 and 4. And you will have done the floor presses on day 1. For most people, pressing with appropriate weight three times a week is plenty, so I don't see why you need to cram a session of two handed press on day 3 between your existing day 2 and 4 C&P workouts. So if you are asking if you are jumping the gun on something, I think that's an example of where it can get counterproductive.

The other thing is getting something better than a stopwatch to do your timing. I settled on the free "SmartWOD Timer" app. It has several modes that I don't use, but one of them is EMOM (every minute on the minute). It will count the rounds each time it gives you three beeps at the top of every minute, announce 'half way there' at the 30s points, tell you '10 seconds' when there's 10s remaining to get back into position for your next minute. It has a good display (bigger text if you sit the phone in lanscape mode) and once you set it going the sound cues will continue to run in the background behind other apps so you can still use your phone for music etc.

There is another app from same company SmartWOD workout generator, which I have no interest in because I don't need someone to invent a workout of the day for me, but the SmartWOD timer one is good. I use it especially for EMOM swings and for doing 30s on / 30s off work for Wildman's 2H club program.
@ej13 Thank you. I was looking for any EMOM app. I will look into smartWOD.
Yes I noticed that Wildman does not do the 2H 1KB press or even the High Pull. I only have one KB for 30, 40 and 50 pounds. I do have two 20lbs KBs. My chiropractor recommended the 2H OHP. He felt it would be less taxing on my shoulders. My thinking was that those last blocks on Day 1&3 would be my “Pretty” work. I am doing 2H OHP as a shoulder exercise. Would you recommend another exercise to substitute for the 2H OHP. I am doing Clean&Press twice a week (Heavy and Light).
Thank You
I appreciate your feedback.
My chiropractor recommended the 2H OHP. He felt it would be less taxing on my shoulders

Less taxing than what, the standard single arm press? Because you don't have the same range of motion and the weight is supported by twice as many arms. Okay, I suppose he's right.

But if 'this is less taxing than doing regular presses' is the rationale for it, I don't think he's telling you to do your normal one handed clean and press on day 2 and 4 and then *add* 2H presses on the day in between to 'make it less taxing'. Because you still did the work, and now you are doing more work on top, and although the second piece of work is relatively easier than the first, it doesn't reduce the total shoulder work in the week, it increases it, and removes a rest day.

Just my 2c, I'm not a physician
@ej13 Thanks for the input. I see where you are coming from. Going off the reservation and going back to doing DB raises. Need to strengthen my rear delts. My shoulder was popping out. My Chiropractor helped correct that.

Got the SmartWod app. Thank You for that, exactly what I was looking for.
@feesperanzaamor I have to say that everything seems balanced to me. What I would do is to follow a test and proven program made by a professional. I learned myself that, though pretty good at programming for an amateur, I'm not nearly as good as a professional.
As for now your protocol seems fine to me.
Most of it is Mark Wildman’s program with a tweak with a couple ideas taken from Funk Roberts. I haven’t worked up to TGUs so I add quarter TGU and rev lunges.
The swings, goblets, C&P I will start at different weights and reps but work up to 10x20.