Need help losing weight! (Tips/advice)


New member
(23F) I've been eating on a calorie deficit. I've been walking/ using my elliptical everyday. And it seems like I've gained weight? Is that normal?
I eat healthy. Whole grains, protien, fruit and vegetables. Low fat. Light everything. (Mayo, sour cream, ect.) I definitely HAVE been sticking to my calorie deficit and getting the excersize. But I've still GAINED weight? (just a few pounds) I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong but it's very disheartening and discouraging.
@anonymous18 Yes absolutely everything. I do mainly cardio but I have been doing squats here and there, so I'm sure I'm building a little muscle. That's what I was suspecting.
@morherof2 Not trying to be “that guy”. But first step 100% is to re-verify that you are calculating your calories correctly. Caloric deficit = losing weight. It’s literal thermodynamics. So I’d recommend verifying you’re measuring your food right, or weighing it correctly. As over eating / under reporting calories consumed is the number one cause of failed weight loss attempts statistically.
@artofmcw I log everything that I eat into my calorie counter, right after I eat it. I'd like to mention I do have PCOS. So that's another factor on why I want to lose weight. This isn't my first rodeo. My weight flucuates like a mf and in 2022 I lost almost 60 pounds doing this same exact thing.
@morherof2 Yes, but improper logging (ie cooked or raw) can cause drastic shifts in caloric content. I’m not saying this is what you’re doing, I’m just saying it’s a very common oversight
@morherof2 How often are you weighing yourself? Something that helped me was weighing myself every single day and looking at the overall pattern. Weight loss progress usually isn't linear, meaning the numbers don't usually go down, down, down. There are ebbs and flows. So if you're weighing yourself everyday you get a more clear picture of your progress as opposed to every week. Especially because of how weight fluctuates. It could be that you just have to take a big shit lol.
@morherof2 There's enormous numbers of variables, looking at a week is pointless. Some weeks your weight will go up. Some it will go down. Some it won't change. Don't get hung up on a number, in fact, throw your scale away, as it is completely useless, especially if you're building muscle while you improve your fitness.
@morherof2 Hi , are you only looking at weight? If you are a beginner at this journey I would suggest having a smart scale to see if the weight is fat, water, protein or what not and then alter the plan and diet.

Some recommendations here :

I had seen this and I bought withings and it helped me understand that I was gaining muscle and not losing fat which can result in weight gain and also based on my cycle or weather I also ended up gaining water weight that goes down after a while

I highly recommend measuring by a smart scale