Need help with a simple 4-week Fat Loss Diet to do in conjunction with the 10k Swing Challenge


New member
First and foremost, I know this isn’t a diet community, but there are people on here with a wealth of knowledge.

Second, it should be noted that I will be living quasi-off grid during this 4-week period; limited access to refrigeration and cooking methods.

With that said, what is a good macro breakdown that will help me lose fat while also having energy for the 10k SC? Additionally, what are some good non-perishable and or semi-perishable foods that I can leverage? I imagine protein powder (low carb?) and probably simple greens and a multi-vitamin (don’t think I’ll get too many vegetables. Usually I snack on almonds, dried cranberries, hard boiled eggs, toast w/ nut butter, cottage cheese, and quest chips (it’s my cheat snack). I assume that I am going to want to cut down on some of those foods though and also know eggs and cheese are probably not in my future w/o refrigeration.

Anyhow, I am fine with something super simple and can eat the same things for days/weeks on end. I am open to suggestions.

To clarify, I will assume I have no access to any cooking methods.
@jerrysmith422 Clarifying what cooking methods you do have access to would help. First thing that came to mind that would be somewhat non-perishable is bulk rice and beans, but if you can't boil water they're both considerably less convenient.

I commend your resolve, because the 10k challenge is tough as it is, let alone while on a deficit and without normal access to nutrition. Personally I'd be aiming pretty close to my daily maintenance number for calories, and getting 30-40% of those calories from protein.
@jerrysmith422 If it were me I would do my swings first thing to mid morning fasted as your schedule allows, and then eat as much as I feel I need to in a 6-8 hour window. This method has got me lean and I maintain sub 10% body fat year round pretty effortlessly with it. Benefit of this approach is building metabolic flexibility which is awesome.
@jerrysmith422 Fat loss is about caloric deficit. You need to calculate your daily energy needs (there are plenty of calculators on websites and apps), then count and log your calories to ensure you are eating at a deficit (fewer calories in than your body uses). It's very important to eat heaps of protein, and fruit/veggies.

WPI powder is your friend, as are lean meats, eggs, and Greek yoghurt. Some healthy fats (avocado, nuts, olive oil) are necessary to ensure adequate hormonal function (very important for building muscle). Again, lots of fruit and veggies (and some psyllium husk powder is a good idea so you don't feel like you're shitting cacti (if you're hammering the protein, which you should be)).
@jerrysmith422 Protein, veggies, water, dont live by the numbers, rid yourself of words such as "cheat" as they are more detrimental than not, sleep adequately, drink more water, train first thing in the am while fasted, suck it up a bit when you feel discomfort due to hunger. Water and veggies fill you up, protein keeps your muscles, sleep recovers you.
Hard but simple, it's a bitore of a willpower effort than expected. Swing away!
  • 1g protein/lb BW
  • 10-20% calorie deficit.
If you focus on the above two requirements, fat and carbs will fall where they need to.

To be honest 10k swing challenge and calorie deficit is not the best match. It’s an intensive program and you will feel hungry.

Beef jerky and pork rinds are two high protein foods that will keep well without refrigeration.
@jerrysmith422 Calorie deficit of 10-20%, around 500 calories a day. Macro breakdown of 40% carbs, 30% protein, 30% fat. A food scale would be helpful. Make sure you get enough protein.

Some other things that will help: 8 hrs of sleep a night, 10k+ steps a day….

Good luck
@kail What do you prefer about MacroFactor over the alternatives? In your opinion, what makes it worth $12/month? I personally will use the free side of “my fitness pal” to create daily meal plans based on a calculated calorie intake and macro breakdown (which is why I asked about a good fat burning macro split). I like that I can scan barcodes and or search through a database of millions of items fairly quickly.
@jerrysmith422 MFP's nutrition info is inconsistent. There are redundant entries with different calorie amounts, because their nutrition database is partially crowdsourced. Other features don’t matter much if I can’t trust the information in it. (This may not matter as much if your food comes with barcodes.)

A big pro for Macrofactor is tracking trends and automatically adjusting your projections according to your goal. This matters because your body doesn't make linear progress forever. And fwiw the annual rate is half the price of the monthly rate.

For a free food diary I'd actually use cronometer, but that won't do any planning for you.
@kail Thanks for that. I’m not sure I’ll spend $12, and I certainly won’t enter into any annual contract in the near future, but I appreciate the info.
@jerrysmith422 Never tried the 10k kb challenge, but just did a personal challenge with some similarities:

Had a 235km cycling event at Pentacross Monday.
But didn't do much training first month of the year, and was a bit overweight (91kg, my ideal weight is