Need motivation this Monday morning!


New member
It’s leg day…my least favorite, and I’m just lagging! I’m all dressed to work out, but just sitting here drinking coffee. Help me!
@nedlm10 Good morning OP!

Go to a mirror in your home.

Say this. “I motivate me!”

I am the reason I exercise!”

“I motivate me!”
Then smile at your reflection and get it done!”

You’re an athlete!
You’re a superstar!
I believe in you!
Get it done OP!
Motivate yourself!
Encourage yourself!

You got his OP! Get it done! :)
@melissa1989 I went downstairs and did it! Actually did extra…I asked myself what my least favorite exercise was and made myself do 3 sets! (Along with my usual leg stuff). Super happy now! I’ll refer to your post on lazy days!
@nedlm10 WoooooWeeeee!

You did it!!

I absolutely hate rowing. So I “row” at my gym with the Peloton app. And when it’s over, I celebrate my accomplishment.

The peloton app has absolutely changed the way I think about motivating myself! :)
@nedlm10 Legs are the biggest muscles in your body, therefore they burn more calories when you move them. Burning more calories probably means more fat loss!
@nedlm10 Now I’m curious why you hate leg day, which is my favorite? I struggle to motivate for the other days!

Just remember that work-outs don’t have to be all or nothing. We’re human; life gets in the way sometimes & our energy fluctuates. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Anything you do is better than nothing- maybe you’ll just do a light day with some stretches today, and that’s OK! 👍
@ghex Umm, I guess I hate leg day is because I feel like my abs, shoulders and back are so strong and look good; I get discouraged when I’m not getting the same result with my legs… I’ve come a loooog way in the past year, and I’m proud of myself, I’ll keep working on them!!
@sanj79 Yes, I’m using 15 pound weights and doing goblet squats and Bulgarian split squats. I follow some people on TikTok that have been really helpful.
@nedlm10 That makes sense bc I’m the opposite. I’ve been trying to improve in my ab/stomach/waist area, so if you have any tips, please share :)

I see from your other comments that you did it. Good on you! 👏 Your post actually motivated ME - I hate cardio & made myself go to the gym & did 35 minutes. Thanks!
@ghex 2 major things helped me immensely; doing the 3/12/30 treadmill workouts 3 times a week (sometimes 4 times a week). Speed on 3, 12 incline, for 30 minutes. I had to work my way up to it, I’d just lower the incline for a few minutes then climb it back up.
Second thing, kettlebell workouts for your core. You can find all kinds on TikTok or Facebook Reels. Now I mainly use 15 pound dumbbells and do core workouts.

I find everything on TikTok! (I never do old fashioned crunches- too hard on my back!