Need recommendation for Nutritionist/dietician

I've been working out for 4 months now and I've barely seen any change in weight. I feel like I workout and diet like crazy and lose 100-200 g Max in a week. I never did eat a lot and never was a fan of sweets. I've cut out 90% of junk food and only have some relatively healthy junk (bhel Puri) on cheat days.
I need help to figure out if there's an underlying issue or change in diet.

I've gone to GPs before and they give extremely vague advises like walk more etc etc which I've been doing.

I know cult and healthify me have nutritionist but I've heard mixed reviews.

Can anyone recommend someone who consults online?

Edit: my BMR is 1300-1400 cals and I typically consume 1100-1200 calories. I've heard dropping below that isn't good for health.

I travel 3 hours a day to work, 5 times a week so I only workout 2-4 times a week. Plus, I feel like I need atleast 1000 cals to work effectively.

I typically consume 50-60 g of protein a day.

Breakfast - plant protein powder + milk + coconut water

Lunch - salad + cup of curd + dal + legumes (rajma/channa/mixed vegitables)

Dinner - cup of milk + small cup of rice + sabzi

Edit 2: I'm 5'0, 65 kg F. Hormonal changes affect me throughout the month. Pms causes cravings and my strength drops during my periods.
@longlivethechrist You need to mention your diet and workout split. Are you consuming high protein diet from natural food sources, cutting liquid calories and waling a lot? Are you undertraining or overtraining?
@longlivethechrist Looks like you are vegetarian. If you can eat eggs, then you can go all out on eggs, otherwise it is gonna be hard on a vegetarian diet.
  1. It is not about calories in and out. If you eat solid protein food, you get 25% thermic effect, basically CO part gets 25% extra. Your breakfast is very bad. All liquid calories. Aim for 1.5gm protein per pound of body weight. 1gm and 1.5gm build same muscle(muscle protein synthesis), but on a cut 1.5gm wlll stop muscle-protein-breakdown better.
  2. You are not consuming enough good fats. Have some walnuts and egg yolks with every meal. They are needed for good hormonal health. Supplement with Vit D and B12.
  3. Do 5-6 day full body routine, everyday 30mins session. Or, go with one day on and one day off full body training; total 3.5 days training a week, aim for 45-60 mins sessions inc warm up and mobility work.
  4. Keep walking or NEAT whenever you can. Instead of taking a taxi for 2-3km distance, go for a walk instead. Brisk walk at 6km/hr will utilize mostly fat storages -- lipolisis.
Try a women's fitness reddit sub or a coach. Most of us here don't specialize in Women physiology and homrones.
@jenfer Thank you for the recommendation! Yes, I'm vegitarian and I'm struggling to eat eggs due to the smell. Working on it though

Point 3, by full body routine do you mean strength training 5-6 excercises everyday?
@longlivethechrist Full body means doing one strength training excercise for each muscle group. Like one excercise for legs one for back one for chest and one for all other. And this makes full body workout. I'm doing 3 days full body. I can provide you Jeff nippard's full body program if you need
@longlivethechrist Download the fundamentals program from this link

If your goal is just fat loss then you should definitely go for low intensity high volume training. Many lifters hate this training cause doing high rep range is kinda boring but it really helps you burn more calories in gym. I do mid intensity high rep one week every month for endurance.

Research about this and if you think this kind of training will work for you then don't do full body program . Rather do some other kind of programs. Or you you can just stick to fullbody split
@longlivethechrist Alright, first of all, you need to get a blood test done to determine exactly what your blood markers look like right now. As you mentioned, hormonal changes affect you throughout the month, it is not really ideal. Yes, some amount of PMS near your periods is normal and expected, but the way you are talking about it doesn't sound normal.

A blood test will also help in identifying nutritional deficiencies which could be the reason for low energy levels, mood, skin and hair health, intensity of PMS, and maybe even your metabolism (if there are some concerns with thyroid).

So, without a doubt, get a blood test done.

Secondly, you consume very few calories. If you travel 3 hours a day and work 5 times a week, you need to have 1400 calories at least.

Currently, your diet lacks protein for sure. Invest in a whey protein powder or double down on your planned protein powder consumption. Other than that, not much to complain about your diet specifically, but understand that, given your frame, you there are only so many calories that you can have. Moreover, a vegetarian diet lacks a lot of nutrients, so you will have to rely on supplementation. If you can get the hang of eating eggs daily, then it'll be immensely helpful.(read your comment)

When you are not losing weight, see, even if your blood reports come clean (hormones wise), even then as a woman, your weight loss will not be linear and consistent at all. You need to take out sometime for yourself and indulge in a physical activity which you like, even if it is just 30 mins a day, be consistent with it. Also, I assume your day-to-day life is pretty stressful, which is detrimental to your fat-loss goals. So even though a part of it might be unavoidable,, you will have to manage it as much as possible.

Lastly, stop focusing on just your weight. Take physique pictures every two weeks in the same clothes and the same lighting and compare them. Measure your body every two weeks and compare it. Observe how your digestive health has been, if it is improving or not. Observe your skin and hair health, if it is improving or not. Similarly, observe your energy levels, mood, strength at the gym and cardiovascular health. Fitness is not just the weight that you see on the scale and look at the positive side too, you are losing 100 - 200 grams a week. IT IS PROGRESS! You just need to optimize your approach, fine tune it and you'll be set.

Feel free to reach out or ask any questions.

I hope this helps.
@te15 Hi thanks a lot for your advice, these are some really good pointers. Do you happen to have a list of some tests to done or someone who can recommend these tests?
@longlivethechrist Yes, you can go with this test. Or you can book female blood test packages of 1mg/LalPath Labs, etc too if you like, or simply go through the list of tests mentioned in the link and book it from a local lab that you trust. (toxic elements panel is optional and not required)

Once you have the reports, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you to show it to a trusted Nutritionist instead of a Doctor, unless you know a good gynecologist who would give you time and understand the reason behind getting the test done.

I am saying this because, doctor's tend to much more serious and severe cases (ill people) normally and don't deep dive into the reports unless there is an "illness" that needs to be taken care of or some obvious deficiency which shows up in the tests.

For example, Vitamin B12 at 250 is normal according to the lab reports but it is far from optimal, ideal B12 levels are between 400 - 600. On the other hand, fasting blood sugar is considered normal below 99. But for someone of your age (assuming you're between 16 - 35 yr old as this is the typical demographic of this community) it should be below 90 and ideally below 85.

Also, the only way to improve and optimize an otherwise "normal" looking blood report is lifestyle and dietary intervention which a good nutritionist would be able to help you with
@longlivethechrist No idea about any Nutritionist in your city although if you are ok with someone in Mumbai/online check with her. link. For sure, get the Blood Test names from the Nutritionist you consult

Since Doctors don't study Nutrition they are absolutely unaware( unless someone goes the extra mile and studies it) of food sciences and their nutritional usages and can't consult appropriately when it comes to Nutrition.

Lastly if you have a Gym near your workplace maybe you can start early to workout and then go to work or do it after work and then come home. This way you could be more consistent in your gym visits.
@rattikin Hey thank you so much for this, will surely check it out.

Definitely, doctors don't really look at the report. While I do know that I don't exercise a lot, it does feel like my metabolism has slowed down and no doctor really believes me on that

And yes, I do plan on looking at going to the gym early morning :)
@nanalove Yes, I have actually. I'm 5' and m BMR (according to online calculators) is 1300-1400. I usually account for 1100-1200 calories a day since I've read that cutting below that is unhealthy and can have the opposite effect (body starts storing fats thinking there's a shortage of food)