Need recommendation for Nutritionist/dietician

@longlivethechrist Hmm, it's always hard for short people, and I assume you're a woman. I have no concrete ideas about how it works for women (w regard to hormonal changes n all) so I won't comment, and I am not sure of any good nutritionists as well.

However, I can atleast suggest doing more cardio. But yeah you may be better off seeing a nutritionist.

And what you said in the last lin, about body storing fat or 'starvation mode'. It's a myth. Your body will physically not store fat when you're starving, it's just a placebo effect because the effects of starving are so severe on mood that people binge, and gain weight. Hence, people associate extreme 'forced' starvation with fat gain.
@longlivethechrist Exercise 2 or 4 days a week? Fixed it first.
If you consume same amount of calories and micronutrients you’re good in the area.
If you’re not clear on micronutrients you have to work on it. You have to fix how much calories you need form each category. Reducing fat and maintaining carbs and increasing protein will benefit you.
You have to work on calories count until you get the number you need to hold onto for sometime.
@niall28 I've mentioned that I travel 3 hours a day. 2-4 is based on how tired I am at the end of the day and my menstrual cycle.

I am aware of the general idea but I specifically asked for a nutritionist since most online advice caters to men who have consistent energy cycles.
@longlivethechrist In this case you must take help of learned nutritionist who can guide you, track progress with you and available for discussion on timely basis. Nutritionist can guide you with the food intake to follow based on your routine. All the best!