Never going to gain, if there's this much pain!! (advice wanted)

@bluefleur Wow!!! Way to go! Congrats on your accomplishment in the triathlon. That's so awesome!!! I'm so glad that the nurses took such great care of you. Please keep in touch with them and let them know of your accomplishment and how you're doing. I love many things about my job, but there are a few things I hate. One of those things is never knowing how someone has done after they go home. In our field there can be a lot of sadness, and even though we may see someone get to go home, we always wonder, even years later, how they did. Did they graduate high school? Did they go to prom? Get married. Things like please let them see how well you've done. It would mean the world to them :)
@bluefleur Even if you don't remember them, I promise they remember you :) Could always just go to the unit you were in & tell them you don't remember them but wanted to tell them thank you. You may even be able to put a face & name to some of the ones that are a blur for you. It really helps both the patient and the nurses get closure over some of the more complicated patients we've cared for. Just a suggestion :) But I'm so glad you are doing better now!!
@lulahigley There is a little complication.

At the first hospital, the doctors were saying to let me die, give me some injection and it was over. And the nurses were saying that I was fine and healthy.

And then when I called to talk to the doctors, they claimed it was a threat. They lied. So I can't call them again. It has to be a lawyer.

But I hope the nurses know I'm feeling better because I will never stop suing that hospital.

Not for any personal gain. Just in hopes that they don't do that to anyone else.
@bluefleur Wow that sounds crazy! Well makes sense then that you can't really stay in contact. Hopefully that never happens to anyone else. So sorry you went through that.
@lulahigley I had to go to another hospital. Yale.

And they were asking me about my medical record. I told them.

They said that hospital is under investigation for these types of actions and it is happening to other people. Enough where they hear about it several towns over.

It was this guy.

After giving me the wrong injection, he hid my body in the Covid Ward!!

Dziubina PA, Michael

And this ass-hat signed off on it!

Thomas MD, Stephen

In St. Vincents Hospital in Bridgeport CT

When my family finally found me, I was moved and they tried to kill me again.

Then my sister found a concierge doctor and she reviewed the notes and just said. WTF?!!!? Just let him walk out the door!! There is nothing wrong with him!!!
@lulahigley I didn't believe it myself, so I ordered the medical records. It took months. And now I am suffering some brain damage so it was not easy.

I went through the records and it is all there. Clear as day.

Clear as day, but they buried it in a 3,706 document.

And I live in a state that is owned by insurance companies. So my best bet is connecting with other victims.
@lulahigley happened to me recently, but I'm 22. I have some issues that make me really sick when I work out, and that's the reason why exercise hasn't really been an option for me. I wanted to try and work out a little so I decided to do low impact exercises for 15 mins.

After the first day I couldn't lift my head up, not a cm. Felt extremely sick too. But now I'm on week 4, just got done doing a 45 minute pilates routine and I'm 100% sure I'll be able to do it tomorrow again and rest the next.

please don't give up but listen to your body!!
@vienchonglaohoa Yay way to go! What you went through sounds awful, but you kept on going, so you should be proud of yourself. I'm not exactly proud of myself since that was 2 weeks ago and I was too scared to do it again. But reading all the comments, yours especially, has reminded me I just can't give up no matter how hard it was. Thank you!!
@lulahigley Oh please, be proud that you even tried and had/have a plan to restart, that is a very nice step! As you yourself said, baby steps. They're really important and practice will make progress, I promise.

The pain after exercising is scary, I won't lie, it is very valid.

I am very proud of you, for trying, for resting, maybe failing, but also because you asked for help (which is essential for us little humans) Super good luck with your exercises, I wish you nothing but the very best !💗
@lulahigley One of the best things I ever did was play football. Not that I was ever close to playing. But the workout you had to endure was grueling. Especially because it began in the heat of summer! I would be so wore out when I got home I would have to lie down before I could even eat!
But you know what happened? I now had a second wind I never knew existed!! I could run and not even be winded! Oh it was hard. But the effects were amazing!
@lulahigley Every-time you introduce your body into an exercise that it’s not familiar with or haven’t done in a while, you will experience Delayed On Set Muscle Soreness. The intensity of this soreness really depends on how much strain was used during the exercises.

Now, this is something that can’t be avoided unfortunately. A couple of things that I’ve used to assist in dealing with the soreness in the past is Glutamine and Magnesium Glycinate. Glutamine is an amino acid that specifically helps with recovery. Magnesium helps with muscle relaxation; the form glycinate is better absorbed by the body.

I really hope this helps! And I hope you continue on your journey👏🏽
@lulahigley It's common to be really sore after your first workouts. It will get better over time. I know it sounds like hell, but after every workout, I jump straight into an ice bath. It's 2 or 3 minutes of suffering but it makes a world of difference the next day.