New research: Bench pressing with the feet up causes greater chest activation

@jontue Because that's my max bench, if I put my legs up in the air with that load it would probably crush me, this study is shit, where would I get better upper body activation, benching 150 with the legs on the ground or benching 80 with legs in the air?
@trinci Nice man, that's exactly my best bench ever also (did it at a powerlifting meet two years ago). That's why I asked why you chose that number.

I only do it legs up bench when I want to 100% stop leg drive and get some free ab work. Always with lighter weight too
@great_depression I have always done feet up due to a chiropractor telling me it was better for your back and spine. Even though he wasn’t a weight lifter I figured he know more about that stuff than I did.
@dawn16 What I've always heard, which may be total bs but hear me out, is that arching one's back is fine/beneficial because (1) you're not loading your spine so you're not creating any significant shear force, and (2) you can stabilize your shoulders better because of the increased lat activation that comes with having one's arms closer to one's torso.
@markkram This is what I’ve come to believe as well. But why are people stronger when arching if more cheat activation when feet up? Arms are just better tool for pressing?

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