Newbie here, need some few advice, thank youu


New member
Background: I just started my gym nung monday, and also started my calorie deficit (I use MyFitnessPal app but idk if accurate yung ibang food dun na hindi verified). A week before starting gym, is nakapag body weight exercise na so wala na yung muscle pains. Sa upcoming monday palang ako magstart training with a PT. usually cardio 20-30 mins at 7.5 kph (fastest and not long) then a workout from HomeWorkout app or dun sa MuscleBooster app (tried 1 upperbody workout). 76kg (last monday at 5'7 height)

Now, kapag lumalabas, san pwede kumain where kahit papano balanced parin yung nutrition? For example pag pupunta sa Manila ganun, lagi nalang kasi fastfood nakikita ko.

Also, is it safe to do intermittent fasting wherein 16:8 gamit? So far wala naman ako restriction sa type of food na kinakain ko but ever since, hindi na talaga ako nag sosoftdrinks and junk foods. More chicken lang now hindi maiwasan si chicken leg pero puro ihaw naman and from 2-3 cup of rices na kinakain, naging 1 nalang.

How can I also avoid to be skinny fat? Sabi sa BMI is overweight ako, and sa TDEE 2300 calories daily intake, pero so far this week is nag aaverage ng 1500-1600 na iintake ko. And ngayon malaki tyan ko pero yung arms medyo naglalack. Should I hire an online coach for this or enough na muna si PT sa ngayon?

Thank you very much in advance! :>
@mooh I can see that you are very passionate with your fitness journey. I cant help but see myself in you when youre telling your story. But also like me, you are overwhelmed with information. Like you I was also so overly methodical with what I was doing. Long story short my tip is for you to pick one thing and make it a habit first then go on to the next thing.

The very first thing I did was just to eliminate colored drinks (except coffee) for about a month. Next thing was to fix my sleep. Next was to make sure I was eating protein with every meal (note that I wasnt tracking anything at this point) Then to the next and to the next.

What I'm saying is youre too caught up on so many things at a time that you might actually just be hindering yourself on progress.
@abigale Thank you for this! As much as possible iniiwasan ko rin sobrahan talaga baka maburn out since kakastart palang.

Sa drinks kasi puro water lang talaga ko kahit pag nag reresto kami, hindi rin cold so like sanay na. Except nalang pag may inuman, ang hirap gawing chaser ng water kaya no choice mag softdrinks (occasionally lang). As for the food, hindi rin naman ako mahilig sa sweets, although sa fatty oo and sa kanin especially nung december 🤣. Pero ayun kaya dun muna focus ko pag sa diet.
@mooh Kumakain ako kahit saan pero umiiwas ako sa red meat at fried. so kung may roasted chicken na option yun na. Kung kelangan m mag dinner sa labas, edi bawiin m yung lighter meals sa breakfast at lunch.

Fasting: safe pero wag ka mag expect na papayat ka kung same lang naman calories na kinain mo vs sa before mo na non-fasting. Fasting =/= weightloss.

Hiring a PT: no, never na you should (unless, injured or competing) pero you could. Nag vvary dn naman kung anong klaseng PT makuha mo. Sa huli, sa consistency at self-discipline mo babagsak yan.

Skinny fat: bulk or cut. Pwede ka mag lean bulk (very slow bulking) or mag cut ka. Either way hindi ka pwede na magkaron ng drastic weight loss na hindi ka magkakaron ng some muscle loss and vice versa. Also, you can't target fat loss.

Iwasan mo din mag try ng multiple things at once, pili ka ng isa, gawin mong habit hanggang maging nature mo na parang pag toothbrush, tapos pag consistent ka na, saka ka na mag dagdag. If sabay sabay try nang bago, mabburn out ka. Tapos back to normal na. Expect din very slow results. Wag ka ma dismaya dahil iba nakikita mo sa social media.
@kenadi Nakapag hire na ng PT kasi although ok nga na ishare sa friends na nagstart na and may tropa rin ako na sobrang laki na ng progress nya, ayoko parin since baka sa una lang pala ko puro salita ganun, kaya sa PT muna magpapaturo and kapag may visible progress na, dun na siguro magbanggit or pag tinanong lang.

Thanks sa suggestion sa build! Tinanong kasi ako nung PT nung una if anong target ko. So obviously, hindi ko alam isasagot kaya naparesearch rin and asked for advice here kaya ayun.

Yes! Like sa una kong reply, bawas lang muna calorie intake especially sa rice since medyo ok naman ako sa pag adjust sa type of food, I mean d bago. So far, tanggap ko naman sarili ko and if may iimprove why not diba pero ayun din bawas na fb ko and ig, although napunta dito sa reddit yung screentime 😅. Noted sa roasted, ok lang inasal noh hahaha
@mooh Since kakasimula mo pa lang, you can ease in sa tamang diet. Nasa newbie gains period ka so kahit na di ka overly strict, maganda gains mo basta kumikilos at di ka nag oovereat. Ako I started 220lb, 5'6". Carinderia food - isang gulay isang karne tapos 1 cup rice, then paminsan minsan na softdrinks, I still lost 60lb in 6 months. Over time, magiging habit mo na piliin mga food na swak sa regimen mo without being too maarte sa food.
@warjar Thank you, ok lang sakin kumain sa fastfood since ayun nga baguhan palang, pero if may other food pa na pwede kainin na as much as possible not fried, g lang 🤣. Thanks sa carinderia, although madalas naman ako sa ganyan, sinasabi lang sakin ni mama na di ok yung quality ng mantika na gamit ng iba
@mooh Hey man! Good job so far! In terms of resto meals, best bet na siguro yung roasted chicken. Bring a pocket scale. To be safe, I add 1 tbsp of oil in my tracker. E.g a meal at andoks would be 250g cooked rice + 80g chicken breast + 1tbsp oil, (excluding sauces pa ah! But soy sauce based sauces can be ignored) That way safe ako and i stay on my deficit. Over estimating caloric values is better sa lifestyle ko lol.

Be consistent lang! Good luck!
@baytrum AAAA thank you! If hindi mo sinabi na 250g of rice yung intake mo, hindi ko matatama tong nasa tracker ko! 121cal lang yung verified kaya pala parang nabababaan ako lol, 325 calories usually pala sa 1 cup of rice

Almost same yang ginagawa ko sayo, although sakin sa isip ko nalang inooverestimate yung cal (i add 100-150) which makes me eat less. Tempting kasi minsan lalo na sa rice, may cup na tas dadakot pa onti pero di naman ako nagreregret so far lmao.
@mooh Tip on tracking, always try to use measurements in GRAMS as much as possible rather than cups or 'serving' sa my fitness pal.

Like how tf am i gonna know if same yung serving mo ng cup sa serving ko ng cup lol.

When eating out, try to breakdown your ulam into ingredients, and how much each ingredient weighs. It's a skill and don't expect to be good at it right away.

Check out SUKAT SQUAD sa IG. Awesome dude breaksdown your typical filipino fastfood and streetfood. Helped me alot.
@baytrum Yung cup na gamit ko is yung pang luto na may label mismo na "1 cup" kaya akala ko pare parehas 🥹 but noted.

Sakto dumating kanina yung food scale! Ambilis kasi kahapon ko lang inorder sa blue and orange app.

Mukha ngang matagal tagal pa bago ko matutunan yang pag breakdown baka di pa prio sa ngayon, sa bahay muna tatry yung food scale

Thanks for recommending sukat squad! Hirap so far like i ate sweet and sour chicken sa chowking nung isang araw but walang breakdown ng grams. Followed na agad lol
@mooh Eating out: I think theres no going around this - you'll consume more calories eating out compared when eating the meal you prep. We dont know kasi kung anong additives ung nilalagay ng resto sa food eh. Siguro alisin mo na lang ung nag c contain ng calories. For example in mcdonals, if you order 2-pc chicken, request for rib part and dont eat the skin. Then just consume half rice served. Something that would minimize ung calories you actually take in. Ako sa kfc ako kumakain ng lunch kapag RTO, orig chicken lang kinakain ko, rice then coleslaw. Pag may malapit, Botejyu, ung chicken skewers nila lagi kong order pero expensive dun.

Fasting: Basta kaya mo ung small time window, go lang. make sure that you still meet ung protein needs mo for the day while doing deficit. Nag g ganito ako just to control my hunger/appetite

Skinny fat: idk abt this. But im gonna say na unti untiin mo ung pagbabawas ng calories from your recommended intake. Kasi kung mag start ka sa malaking deficit agad, mabilis mag adapt ung body mo and mahirapan ka. Ganito ata ako ngayon, halos walang change sa weight ko and body comp kaya inincrease ko na lang ung work out days ko (from 3 days to 4 or 5)z
@mooh In terms of food outside, just choose high protein options like chicken and rice. Choose the breast part since it has more meat then legs. Mang Inasal and Kenny rogers are the best options for me. But if no choice you can have fried too.

If you're aiming to lose fat fast without being skinny fat or saggy, always hit your daily protein requirement. It can be 0.8-1.2g/lb body weight. But since you were just starting wlaa pa naman gaano muscle mass ang katawan mo so you can just aim for 0.8g/lb body weight. Sobrang halaga nyan kasi protein will boost your metabolism and will help you build muscle. Wag ka matakot sa rice basta caloric deficit ka. Just avoid sugar becuase insulin spike can cause unwanted fat storage. Also drink a lot of water. I've read a study that it can prevent sagging of skin when losing fat.

You can search in youtube about "body recomposition" since it's very effective for beginners.
@mooh The best thing I've done to help me track calories and macros is buying a food scale. I have the simplest digital one. (500 pesos sa shopee. battery not included) I use MFP and create my own recipes for food and then I use my recipes to track my calories.

But I also triple-check info on MFP. If may barcode ako ng food I'll scan that or if it's something like porkchop from resto I will break it down to the ingredients: Porkchop (raw) salt, flour, egg, oil. I've developed a knack on how much 100 grams of pork/chicken/beef looks like so I can safely eat anywhere.

I also over estimate my calories if I'm eating outside because studies have shown that humans underestimate calories consumed and over estimate calories burned.

When I get home I usually leave 200-500 calories so I can have a meal to compensate for macros that are incomplete which is usually protein. I eat a protein bar or protein shake if I'm too tamad to make anything.

Anyway back to you.
  1. Go to TDEE calculator and calculate your macros/calories. Just follow the directions on the site. Choose what you want. Cutting (to lose weight) Bulking (to gain muscle) or maintenance.
  2. Buy a food scale so you can build up your own intuition when you have to eat outside. It's also a freaking eye opener when you start weighing food.
  3. Use MFP or any food tracker you want to track your macros.
  4. 16:8 is okay BUT intermittent fasting doesn't work without a calorie deficit or calorie threshold. I know people who do IF to gain weight.
  5. If your PT is good they will give you a good program to follow. Stick to that program ideally for 8 weeks to see if it's working for you or not. Consistency with a workout program will give you better results rather than constantly switching things up.