Newbie with questions about minimal routine


New member
I recently started working out again, started with basic calisthenics and band exercises but I really can only do so much with the gear I have. I’ve been struggling to get in the actual gym just cuz of timing issues and general anxiety (which I’m trying to work on as it seems to be a big roadblock here)

Basically, my routine is some chest mobility exercises, lateral raises, bicep curls and pushups. I have a few questions about this:
  1. I know this isn’t a very balanced routine (or really a routine at all) but am I going to do more harm than good by just doing this or is it good to at least be doing something (my goals are mainly bulk up everywhere I can, especially upper body)
  2. How can i incorporate leg workouts with basically no equipment other than a few tube bands.
  3. What would u recommend i do to turn this baseline into a real routine I can follow (do I need to start actually going to the gym or buying more equipment? Or can I get away with basically what I have now?)
Any help would be appreciated I feel like this is the first time I really feel motivated to keep trying to make progress but it’s just really hard given my resources and time constraints
I also bought a pull up bar for my doorframe but my doors are too skinny, and when I tried jamming it between walls instead it severely damaged the walls so I’m trying to find a substitute to work out my back as well. This is why even body weight training seems to be difficult right now. Again, any advice would be great