Nick Mathew’s shirt…

@mille That’s my opinion too. Like, you’d rather they just take it off and have your name on screen less time? Makes no sense. Honestly, after last year Nobull dropped the ball. They should have swooped in signed Nick as an athlete and made a men’s crop top, then offered it as one of the options for jerseys to wear at the games. I know tons if guys who wear crop tops at various boxes around where I live. Most started after seeing Nick wear it. Seems like a super easy way to make more money and not be a killjoy 🤷‍♂️
@biblicalselfdefense It's hard to know who's going to be a perennial games athlete. Nick had been knocking on the door of the games for years and then almost didn't qualify again last year. He's also not the first to make a crop top from their games uniform, I'm pretty sure Tommy Vinas did it first
@mille True, but gotta remember that Nobull has no creativity in their products. It's all the same shit. They can't even make one decent games specific or Madison specific tee to sell at the games. Just the same old logo in a different color on a different colored shirt.
@reebern I do miss Reebok and all the bright games kit they supplied the athletes. As opposed to No Bull and their black, white, grey, off-white and blue that they’ve had for the last few years.
@enochswalk It’s hot and humid as heck, shirt provides some collar bone protection etc. but tucking allows better airflow, alongside the shirt not disturbing the bar path
@swaninthewilderness I hate that they all have to wear no bull or any other event sponsored gear.
Looks terrible and very difficult to identify athletes because they all look the same.
Why can’t athletes have their own personal gear sponsors with individual contracts like every other sport?
How can you attract any real sponsorship and therefore athlete income if they can’t represent their sponsors in competition.
Very unprofessional and very limiting for the growth of CrossFit as a sport
@ag_bic96 Reminds me of the bullshit UFC fighters had to agree to. Couldn’t wear own sponsors and the forced sponsors they had in the ring paid them a tiny amount. Don’t know if it’s changed or not.

Basically if they don’t comply CF would just say fuck off then go in another fitness event. Have them by the balls to some degree.
@blakelloyd CrossFit is restricting their own growth with short sighted greed. How can you expect to become a respected main stream sport. Sports need athletes to train to a very high level and to do this, the athletes need income from sponsors.
Sponsors need to see a return by being represented on the sports field.
Not going to happen if you force everyone to wear the event sponsors gear and make them look like a bunch of army cadets in full coloured fatigues.
@swaninthewilderness It was extremely dumb he wasn’t allowed to wear his usual crop top. If they think it gives him some sort of functional advantage then who cares just let everyone do it? Half of them are topless anyway.