NoBull's new film - not.... great


New member
I just watched the new film from NoBull "Who I've Always Been" and ... it's kind of bad? I'm genuinely surprised. There's not a story arc for any of the three women and they don't share anything new or interesting. There's some nice cinematography but the writing is just so, so bad. I'm really disappointed. I'm in the advertising world so maybe I'm extra sensitive to it but man, I hate it when people have the budget to create interesting visuals and then don't back it up with good storytelling.
@jesusisgod7 True - I sort of agree with you but there's no excuse for a lack of good storytelling on this - we've seen how interesting Tia and Katrin can be from other crossfit docs. It just reeks of overconfidence - like, ahhhh, this is easy, throw together some cool shots, put some emo music under it, it'll be great!
@blast0102 Isnt this the whole mission statement of Nobull? All flash, no substance?

I kid but I dont like Nobull shoes personally. Mainly because I get this vibe from their products.
@slanutak I’ve sworn by Nobull trainers for a couple years now, both in and out of the gym. They really are that comfortable for my feet. But I have to agree, I find myself becoming less and less impressed by their new products and colorways, and their marketing has been starting to rub me the wrong way for some reason.
@slanutak As someone who wears them, I wont go back to metcons or nanos. The nobulls just hold up far longer and are much more comfortable for my feet. I also like the simplicity in the design.
@bb2008 I had a pair I got from a friend who accidentally ordered 2 pair. They fell to pieces pretty quickly. I was not impressed.
I still have pairs of Metcon 3s I wear to coach in and workout daily who show no signs of wear at all.
Also had another time my wife ordered some of their special release shoes. They sent her the wrong size. She contacted them and their response was basically:
"My bad. But since those are special editions we dont have any to replace with the correct size. No refund. Sucks to be you."
So I'm not speaking from no point of reference. I just dont like the brand.
@amd358 Weird. The past several pairs I have had lasted over a year with daily use and gym use 6 days a week. Metcons dont fit my feet well, so I dont have a good reference and nanos lasted me on average about 8 months, with exception to the nano 2s, which are god tier.
@yaoshi Oof. I have a pair that are over 2 years old now? I wear them to work with my horses and wear them daily (which includes a 2 mile lunch walk). They have almost zero wear. I have been thoroughly impressed.

I wanted to replace them -- but that makes me nervous.
@bb2008 I have several pairs of their older shoes. I recently ordered another pair and they showed up filthy with glue coming out of the soles. I had to send them about 10 pictures just to get them to take them back and even then it was an ordeal. They weren’t going to refund my expedited shipping for their defective shoes until I threatened to charge back on my card.

If the customer care experience had been better I might have forgiven it.

I also agree their marketing just doesn’t speak to me personally. Maybe I’m not their demographic for this advertising.
@bb2008 I workout with a guy who gets a new pair every month or so free from nobull because they keep falling apart. You must've gotten the good pair
@blast0102 Very self aggrandizing, but I expect nothing less from No Bull.

Any shoe company that refers to itself as “project,” and does nothing but change color schemes and spend all its profit on marketing instead of product development has a skewed vision of self importance.

If you’re wondering why I’m so salty, it’s because I was broken up with by a No Bull shoe. /s

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