NoBull's new film - not.... great

@blast0102 It was really interesting to see that Brooke has been trying to get out of feeling like she's standing in the shadow of her sister. That can be a tough mental battle, especially as a twin. It could have been so much deeper and better.
@blast0102 Ya but to the point where you are not maximizing profits? I can’t see how selling out in minutes grows their business to the maximum. I mean at least quadruple your original order and have them in stock for an hour.
@blast0102 As self indulgent as expected really. Like the brand, it’s dull, uninspired and wants to be in the top tier echelon and for some reason believes minimal artistic nonsense is the way to do it.

Not that I know the details behind it, but really surprised Tia, being an elite Crossfitter AND Olympian, chose to sign with No Bull. Would have thought with their links to Fraser, Nike would have pitched.
@blast0102 I'm so over NoBull. NoBulls are wide for me (I'm female so I think I just got a male shoe), terrible to run in, and the one pair I got had glue showing on the tip. Meanwhile I got some (used, ha) Strike MVMNT shoes from eBay and those fit me a lot better and are a bit of a better all around workout shoe (especially in terms of running workouts). AND THEN NoBull doesnt even throw out a half hearted attempt at a Black Friday sale but puts out a blackout shoe?! If you're going to pretend that Black Friday isnt a thing by not offering a sale, WHY WOULD YOU CREATE A SHOE (but jokes on me bc they sold out).

Anyways, have you seen the Peloton ad 😂