not feeling sore at all


New member
i’ve been working out consistently for the past 3 weeks and i do see a difference and so does the scale but i’m not getting sore?? like at all. i do 3 sets 15 reps and i’ve already increased the weight. it burns while im working out and i know my form is good so i don’t understand why im not feeling any soreness at all
edit: i took some of y’all’s advice and it worked!! definitely feeling the burn n got sore lol
@shroom Work your way up in the weight until you can do only between 8 and 12 reps. For example, if you are doing your first set, you might be able to do 12, but the last one you can only do 8 or 9. Then, work your way to doing 12 reps for all sets, then move up in weight. You should always be working on getting complete sets of 12 reps, then moving up in weight and repeating.

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