Not finding the classes provide enough volume

@zekori You can always do supplementary work before or after the class to get in that extra volume. I know sometimes after class I’ll hit up my local 24hr to sneak in a little accessory work and get some sauna time in.
@zekori Ya it can… my CrossFit gym offers a nice discount if you commit to a year on the agreement vs monthly. I took those savings and got the 24hr membership.
@jwdoctrine Yeah. I’m trying to figure out what works coz I travel a fair bit too. Not sure how long I’ll be living where I am (quite like to move to the US or Australia end of year too). I’ll figure it out lol
@zekori As a US resident, I’d encourage you to be patient on moving here😅we’re currently going through some remodeling and it may be a while until we’re back up to speed with the rest of the world. It’s dope here but there’s also a lot of dope here… I’ve been looking at Australia lately, Queensland specifically. Best of luck on the fitness and relocation 💪😎
@zekori Yeah run it for 12-16 weeks and see what happens.

Additionally you probably run the risk of being a fitness ala-carte person and your “programs” probably don’t work in the harmony you expect them to.
@zekori Same. I have a 24 hour fitness membership so i train on the machines outside of class i.e. chest press, leg curls, pull up machine. 30 mins is enough to get those supplemental lifts in.
@zekori It likely feels like not enough because it’s just different from what you’re used to. You said in a comment to an earlier response that it’s only been 2 weeks….

Give it time, a good 3-6 months before passing the judgement on whether it’s enough volume or not. Intensity and volume are going to vary from class to class, and will dependent on the programming, cycle, and where in the cycle the class is at (ie beginning/middle/end).

Something else to consider is that if you’re scaling, you might be scaling too much.

Lots of things to consider, but the general though here is that you’re approaching this impatiently. Give it time to work its magic and then revisit this line of thinking. If it’s still not enough volume, then look at supplementing with additional work like accessory or body building type of exercises.

One last though… echoing what someone else quoted from Pat Sherwood - more is not always better.
@zekori When you progress and increase your work capacity its gonna be all good 👍

I have clients with a background of some sort of fitness, they need to learn the skills to really express power, which gives results.
@tennesseegirl1993 It’s usually some sort of Olympic lift or squat to start with. Then some skills work (gymnastics, DU’s, things like that) then a metcon of some sort.

Depends on the day though. Sometimes it’s a long wod. Sometimes it’s oly focused
@zekori It depends on your goals, but that sounds like it’s enough for 99% of the CrossFit population (assuming the strength cycles are programmed competently)

I’m a coach at a gym, me and the owner basically just do the 60 min class programming together every day and we both got top 5% in the world in the open.

If I feel like I need to work on something specific I can do an extra half an hour before or after but you can definitely get stronger doing 60 mins a day and 5 days a week
@tennesseegirl1993 Oh wow! Congrats on the 5%. I guess what I’m really saying is I’m afraid I’ll lose my strength. I want to keep the numbers I’ve got on squat and deads etc, but I want to build the engine. I’m a bit afraid if I follow the program I’ll end up small (and that’s not good for rugby which I play).

I used to train with the GB bobsleigh guys and the whole methodology to training and the amount they trained was quite different. So I’m not used to how this works and what the outcomes will be
@zekori Also play rugby, started CrossFit as a fat front rower and now I'm a mobile front rower.
I got addicted to CrossFit at one stage and was probably training 2hrs a day and getting down to a 6pack and moved into the backrow but have dialed back the volumn and eat enough now. I do extra strength here and there but it's not fully necessary
@zekori Interested in hearing your numbers, lifting wise but I'm definitely more explosive and up there as strongest on the team and gym.
Depends on what type of centre you are but I have always said CrossFit fits so well with rugby. Also might depend what kinda cycle your gym is running, my one focuses on certain things for 12 weeks usually before switching so it be a lighter volumn more conditioning spell

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